Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I really thank God for this provision of a swimming pool just below my tower. It is quite a luxury. I get to swim almost everyday since it is now so convenient. I loved swimming. When I swim, I think about God and sometimes new revelations come to my mind. Other times I would just plan what to cook for dinner while I am swimming. Either way, I always have good thoughts when I swim.

If I was not swimming alone, I would encourage Joshua to swim the laps with me. Even Joshua has improved in his swimming. I was amazed that now he could swim without his Styrofoam float nowadays. He would keep his head in the water and swim for one metre. He picked up swimming by himself. Thank God for teaching him!

Even though I am aware that health comes from the Lord, I am thankful that I could exercise more frequently. I haven't been really exercising for the past few years...not so regularly. The endorphins after exercising really help me in my daily activities. After a good swim, I found that I became less lethargic in the day and I could sleep better at night. Thank God for swimming!

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