I have not been blogging for more than 2 months because I have been busy with family, work and ministry commitments. So many things were happening in the past months but I thank God that it had been a busy but fulfilling time. Someone asked me if I had stopped blogging, I said I did not have the intention to stop, just that for this season, I might not be blogging as frequently as before.
Well, even though work was meaningful, I missed my time with The Lord. Times when I could spend unhindered fellowship with Him was really a great luxury. I know that I would not be forever staying at home but I really cherish this season. And it was only after working that I felt like I had unfinished business at home and that it was not time for me to go into full-time work yet. But I am sure that when the time comes, I would have the desire and I would know.
In any case, even though I had not been blogging, God is still able to use my past entries to bless my readers. Recently I had a comment from a reader who commented about my plant experiment and said their church will try it out. I was so encouraged when I read that. God widened my influence from impacting individuals to entire churches. I thank God for causing even my past blog posts to bless others. To God be the glory!