Thursday, August 24, 2017


Yesterday Heng met with his boss. Initially there were talks of Heng doing SG business support for a while as a preparation for Heng before he was earmarked to take over the portfolio of SG finance division head. But the staff who was supposed to come up to the group finance level wasn't keen so this plan was shelved. Heng was feeling weary last week because it had been coming to a month since 18 July when his boss first spoke about this but still no news. He also felt that he had no role to play in his current capacity. It was like he didn't have a proper portfolio so it was difficult to progress. I believe he hit a plateau in his current position. 

Over the weekend I was telling Heng that the delay could be because the bosses were thinking of putting him as division head straightaway. God is still working behind the scenes. Heng was thinking if this didn't materialise, he would look for another job. In fact there was an opening that he was interested in. A business controller position. I said that God must have something in store for him in this company so just wait for a little while more. True enough when he met with his boss, he was told that they would put him as Acting SG division head from 1 Sep. This was like the Finance Director position which God had planned for him years ago. It would be a big jump from his previous job position as Financial Controller. Really praise the Lord!

After waiting for more than one month and getting increasingly restless as the days passed, Heng finally saw his breakthrough yesterday! For the past few weeks, both of us had been feeling the birth pangs, wondering when we would start seeing our breakthroughs. Things started moving then it went all quiet. It was very uncomfortable. Even as we tried to get on with our usual routine, something inside us was stirring. Things which used to interest us suddenly didn't seem so exciting anymore. Our focus was fixated on this one thing that we were gazing upon. We knew there would be no relief unless this thing came to pass. Now that we finally see it happen, we can rejoice, celebrate and heave a sigh of relief.

Interestingly Heng put these words in his handphone calendar a few weeks ago. It says 'My breakthrough is here' on 23 Aug 2017. Actually we were told to mark this day as the Encounter Night for our church midweek service but instead of putting down the event name, we were told by the pastor during service to type this instead. I didn't know that this word was actually prophetic because it happened to be really the day Heng got his breakthrough regarding his work. God is so awesome!