I came across a post in my 2015 journals and felt ministered by it. Hope this will bless you and cause you to meditate on what is God’s best for your life.
I just read a chapter of a book in the library and I was so ministered by it. The author talked about this lady who is happily married to a believer, has three beautiful kids, lives in a beautiful farmhouse, has a close group of women fellowship, serves in church and is well off financially. She seems to be very contented and grateful in life. She enjoyed those play dates when she would interact with other mums like her in her neighbourhood. All seems well and good except for one thing, she isn't really growing in her relationship with the Lord.
The author said her happiness is build upon the fulfilment of the things she wanted for her little Kingdom. She is glad to see that she is able to fulfil her dreams and desires easily. Everything in her life seems to be going her way, well under control. She doesn't have much challenges in her simple and contented life. She is thankful to God for a nice hubby, beautiful kids and her life as it is. But it never crossed her mind to desire or want more.
Her life is limited by the size of her life and expectations. Her close female friends are happy to talk about everything under the sun like weather, politics, activities, recipes, how the kids are doing etc. But they don't go deeper into the things of God. Of course there is nothing wrong with such things but if they impede us from growing in the Lord, then it isn't good. Sometimes the very thing we hated like our weakness or challenge or frustration is the thing that drives us to God. It became a good thing in His hands, when we surrender it to Him.
Obviously she isn't one of those who is groaning, always waiting for dreams and desires to be fulfilled in her life, who travail like a woman heavily pregnant and about to give birth. She might not know what it means to wait upon the Lord for His timing when she seemed to have no problem fulfilling her own desires and needs. She wouldn't have struggled in such areas of heartaches and pains, of hopes deferred. She couldn't relate in areas where one has to press on for the goal set before us. The problem with her is she is too easily contented.
Is her life considered joyful and happy? On the surface yes but it could be dangerous because if her happiness is predicated on external things then it could easily be shaken. All it takes is a bad thing to happen to her family and she will be devastated. Of course the Lord will still turn all things for her good but sometimes it may take certain shaking in our lives to realise that there is a bigger dream for our lives than what we think we want or need.
Have you seen such believers in your life? I have and there are many of such examples. I don't know is it because of the calling and purpose of their lives or they chose to think of life in that way. One sister used to tell me that if having a great calling in her life meant great trials and tribulations, then she rather not have it. She would pray to ask God for a simple, uneventful but peaceful life. She wanted her life to be smooth sailing. But is that even a prayer that God will honour? I really don't know. After all we cannot choose our calling right? It's all by His grace.
But of course we can say we don't want His calling. We want our lives to be led in our ways. Sure, God will not force anything on us but does it mean that this will exempt us from all the trials, challenges and difficulties in our lives? Absolutely not! Wake up and smell the roses! We live in a fallen world. By the mere fact that we are made in the image of God, we are already in a war with the devil. Plus the fact that we are saved. Do you think the devil will just leave us alone? I don't mean it to sound scary but these are things that are out of our control. The only place that is really safe is in the refuge of His wings.
The only way out of this challenges is not by avoiding them but by facing them headlong and overcoming them with God's strength. We cannot be running away from problems all our lives. This is not how God wants us to live. He has given us His power and authority and we are to take dominion of this earth. The devil won't have mercy on us, make no mistake about that. Remember that he hates us as he hated God. Only God loves us and is long-suffering towards us. He is the only One who always longs to do good to us, not harm us.
So sometimes when I hear of people who are so incredibly blessed and contented with their lives, I don't know whether to be happy for them. It isn't that I am jealous of their blessings or cannot believe that all is too good to be true. On the contrary, I am wondering if such blessings are keeping them from seeking His kingdom rather than their own little kingdoms. And oh yes, the superficial talk about weather, kids, recipes, motherhood, activities...I have been there and done that. Years ago after I gave birth to Joshua, I was engaged in such conversations and I realised long ago that such things don't satisfy me.
I don't know if it was me or my calling was different from others. I just couldn't relate to them, I couldn't get excited about these things. For a while I was ok but very soon there was a hunger, a discontent in my spirit that craved for more. Except that I didn't know what was it, I had to discover it for myself. Later on I realised that I craved for a deeper relationship with God. For a while I didn't like who I was and why I behaved this way. I wondered why I couldn't be similar to other women. Why I couldn't be easily contented with my life? Why do I have to be so difficult on myself by craving for more?
Why was I often in travail, experiencing birth pangs, struggling, waiting, pressing on, pressing through when others seemed to achieve their dreams easily? Why do I always have hopes deferred that made my heart sick when others are enjoying their answered prayers? Why do I always have to be the last one to receive my miracles? (Actually I am not the last...) Why do I struggle so much with heartaches and pains, always having to deal with disappointments? It seemed so unfair. I am not being ungrateful to God because I know I am already very blessed. But deep down there was always a yearning for more, not that I am not contented with what God has blessed me with.
Many years later and only recently I realised it wasn't a bad thing, it was actually very good in God's eyes. Now I am thankful that I was made differently. Honestly I really could kid myself and pretend to be very engrossed and contented with such things in my life but it would all end up in a bubble. I would go around in circles chasing for things that couldn't satisfy and end up in the starting point. Thank God Jesus didn't allow me to do that. Thank God He gave me perspective in knowing my divine calling and why I went through things others didn't all because of my calling. In order that my experiences could bless many others in future.
So friends, be encouraged that if you are one of those who have suffered great losses or been through many hopes deferred and disappointments, God will not let these experiences go to waste. The reason why you go through such trying challenges is closely associated with God’s calling on your life. Even before you knew your purpose, the enemy already saw the spiritual activity in your life. That was why he attacked you first. You might be in the dark, wondering why such things happened to you and not other people. You might thought God has forsaken you or played a cruel joke on you. But no, this is not God’s doing. And God will restore to you the years the locusts had eaten. He will make the enemy pay you back seven times more!