Yesterday Heng was on leave and we both went to catch a movie. It was 'G.I. Joe Retaliation'. I usually wasn't interested in such action movies because I thought they were quite violent. But I watched a bit of 'G.I Joe' on TV last week and I felt it was quite an interesting movie with good plot. So I decided to watch this sequel.
Well, in case I spoiled the fun of those who wanted to watch this movie, I would not reveal the details of the plot. All I wanted to share was my thoughts as I watched the movie. There were a few key points that I wanted to highlight:
1. Sense of Mission
From the start of the movie, there was already much action. What I felt strongly about this elite force was that these soldiers were missional. They had such a strong sense of mission and very focused on their assignment. Besides, they were really good in what they were doing, they were well-trained for the job. I hope to be like them. I wanted to be really good in what God has made me to be...a prayer warrior. I know God has been training me up for His assignment for the past two years and He is still training me. Besides, I am thrilled by the sense of mission that God has put in my heart and I want to be focused on the calling He has for me, like the Joes.
2. Team work
This movie was special because it was not the typical superhero kind of movie that Amercia loved to film. This show emphasized the intricate interplay of teamwork, directed and commanded by their captain. At the end of the day, when victory was wrought from the bad guys, you could not say which one played a dominant role, not even the one who stopped the nuclear bomb. All of them formed an essential part to the fruition of the plan. One could not function well without the other because they needed each other. Every one has their special giftings that the team needed. This is exactly what is like in the kingdom of God. No one is superior to another. We all need each other, that is how God made us to be interdependent. But as each of us take our place in the kingdom and play our part well, taking orders from our Commander-in-chief Jesus, we would see His victory plan unfold. I cannot even tell you how beautiful that would be.
3. Fearless
One other thing I observed about the soldiers was that they were fearless in the face of danger. They knew they would be facing an uphill battle but they did not draw back. They can face the enemy in the eye which had a look that says 'I am not afraid of you.' They were past caring about their own lives as they carried out their mission. They only had one thing in mind: to seek justice for those brothers who had been wrongfully murdered by the enemy. As far as they were concerned, they had already died in the air raid, perished together with the brothers. Hence they really had nothing to be fearful of. They were also very professional, not letting emotions get into their way. As I watched them in action, I thought of how The Lord has been trying to get all of us, believers to a place where we are fearless. A place where we know our dominion and authority over sickness, sin, dark powers and even the natural circumstances. Not only does sin has no dominion over us for we are not under law but under grace, we instead have dominion over sin and evil spirits. When we finally get to the point when we are not afraid, when we are not conscious of ourselves but Christ within us, that is when our emotions cannot get in the way. When we are truly liberated from our bondages, then we would be a great threat to the enemy. When we know the resurrection power lying dormant within us and we know how to exercise and tap into that power, hallelujah! No forces of darkness can pull us back!
Brothers and sisters in Christ, The Lord is bringing us to that place of dominion, the place of excellence in what we are created to do and the place where we are fearless. Are you ready to take your place in the kingdom of God? The Body of Christ needs you...hesitate no more and take your rightful place today! We have been stolen, bullied by the dark forces but Jesus says 'Enough!' It is time for us to fight back, to retaliate. All the heavenly forces are backing us up, God is on our side. The King, our Commander-in-chief is beckoning you hear His voice?
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