Yesterday I had a revelation. The Lord showed me what it meant when Jesus said all authority had been given to us. When He said all authority, it meant all. This was a powerful revelation because Jesus had given us all dominion over principalities and evil spirits. Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. We also have authority over our bodies and spiritual authority over our children when they are small.
God said that many in the church are awakening to this authority in Christ now. Many are beginning to not fear the evil spirits and their attacks. Because they know that the enemy is a defeated foe. They also know that they have authority over these dark powers. And even if it seemed like the enemy was winning, as in the case when Daniel prayed, the answer tarried for 21 days. But eventually the angelic hosts came to help and breakthrough the principalities to get the answer to Daniel.
This story encouraged me to press on, press through. Even though resistance might be strong, even though there might be a demonic assignment sent to wear us out, victory is already assured. Why give up now when victory is so very near? The enemy is desperate now to fire blanks because he knows his time is ending. More importantly we have authority over the enemy. We can cooperate with God by decreeing His word and activity going angels to help us win this battle.
The Lord then showed me what was difficult wasn’t the part about fighting these dark powers for we have authority over all. What was tougher was when a person’s will came into play. God cannot override their free choice. So we cannot pray to bind a person on earth because we have no authority over a person. And at times there may not be a spirit behind the person. It could just be some wrong believing or the person’s stubbornness to not see the truth. In these cases our hands are tied.
But we still can pray to ask God to speak to them personally and also to show Himself real to them. The Holy Spirit within them will work in them, if they are believers. God can also send other people to release a word to them especially for those pre-believers. At the end of the day only God can change hearts, not us. So we pray and just leave the outcome to God. Our prayers are powerful so all is not lost. But it would take some time for God to complete the process of mind renewal.
And that is why a yielded heart is so precious to the Lord. There is nothing the Lord wouldn’t do for someone who is yielded to Him, someone who has a teachable spirit. The Lord is not afraid to release the blessings from Heaven, open the floodgates for this person because He is assured that this person would not stray away from Him when success comes. This is the Father’s heart for all of us. He wants to give us the kingdom.
The reason why God showed me the difference between dealing with evil powers and a person’s will was that we could discern the two and pray accordingly. In the earlier case there isn’t much to pray about. Whenever you discern an evil spirit at work, just take authority over it and bind it in Jesus’ name. But if a person’s will is concerned, we need to pray and ask God to speak to the person.
Actually there is nothing too hard for our Lord but He did show me that it was ’easier’ to command evil spirits to leave than to change a person’s heart. I felt that God is so good. He is so patient with us but in this new era, there isn’t much time to waste circling the mountain again. We really have to ‘get our act’ together so to speak. Be prepared and get ready to move when God says move. I tell you, He is already on the move. I am trying to keep up.