Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Your Seed Shall Prosper

Recently I was seeking the Lord on an issue and His word to me was Zechariah 8:12

'For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase and the heavens shall give their dew - I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these.'

This verse brought tears to my eyes for my spirit was lifted up and joy welled up in my heart. I broke out into thanksgiving and praise to the Lord. I knew exactly what the Lord meant regarding the issue I was seeking Him. And I know that once the Lord has spoken, it is as good as done. Because in and of itself, the Word of God has the power to bring forth the manifestation.

This verse is a scene of fertility and fruitfulness like the scene of the tree bearing fruit after the flowers blossomed. And my God is so good. It was as if I might not fully understand the words that were declared to me, He gave me a visual image of what it meant for the seed to be prosperous.

My hubby bought a loaf of fruit and nuts bread from Gardenia. As he was eating one slice of the bread, he realised there was a cluster of seeds stuck to the side of the bread. He showed it to me. My hair stood up when I saw those seeds but that image could not get off my mind.

The next day I took out the whole loaf to see how the rest of the loaf is like. Guess what I saw? An entire row of cluster of seeds stuck to the side of the bread. I was beginning to feel disgusted at that image when the Holy Spirit spoke to me 'Don't be afraid of this. It is exactly what I meant by the seed being prosperous.'

Immediately I knew this was a scene of fertility and prosperity. It was an abundance of seeds, unlike one side of the bread which had seeds scattered around it. Wow! God is showing me what He meant literally by that verse!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, and I just want to let you know that I think that bread looks delicious!

    I actually have decided to no longer have my Humble Path blog, but if your interested in my new blog, I know you know where to find it.

    God's blessings to you and your family!
