Sunday, April 15, 2012

Study of End-times (Part II)

Let's take a look at some definitions of end-times terminology:

1) Rapture - 'catching away' or gathering together of the Church unto the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:13-17)

2) Second Coming of Christ - the visible, bodily and glorious return of Jesus Christ to the earth (1 Acts 1:11)

3) The Tribulation - a 7-year period of time at the end of the Age that starts with the revealing of the Antichrist and ends with Second Coming of Christ to the earth. (Matt. 24:21-30)

4) Battle of Armageddon - the 'kings of the earth and of the whole world' are to be gathered together in the battle of that great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14-16)

5) Judgment Seat of Christ - after the Rapture of the Church, there will be a judgment at the 'bema seat' of Christ that has to do with the believer's works, not his salvation (2 Corin. 5:10). It is not a condemnation seat but a reward seat. The judgment of our deeds will not be based on their outward appearance but upon our inward character and the motivation for which they were done.

6) The First Resurrection - also referred to as the 'resurrection of the just', it is during this First Resurrection that the righteous people who have died are raised to eternal life (Rev. 20:4-6)

7) Millennial reign of Christ - the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth, when the Kingdom of God is in manifestation and the old covenant promises made to the forefathers of Israel are fulfilled. (Rev. 20:1-9)

8) Great White Throne Judgment - the final judgment (Rev. 20:11-15) when the unbelievers are judged according to their works and cast into the lake of fire. It takes place after the end of the millennial reign of Christ on earth. This is different from the resurrection of those who are saved. The resurrection of the righteous people is completed at the First Resurrection, before the Millenium starts.

9) A New Heaven and a New Earth - after Satan and all unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire, the first heaven and the first earth pass away and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. (Rev. 21:1)

10) Marriage Supper of the Lamb - after the Rapture of the Church, there will be the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9). This is the time when the Church who is the bride is presented spotless to the bridegroom, Jesus Christ through Christ's cleansing blood.

Please note that these events are not in chronological order because God has not even now given us enough light to make an accurate, detailed chart of all the events which will precede the second coming of Christ. Only time will confirm the prophecies of end-times.

Generally, to me, the main area of disagreement is in the timing of the Rapture. There are three views to the timing of the Rapture: Pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post-tribulation. In this study of end-times, it seemed to me that the scriptures do not seem to support the theology of pre-tribulation or a secret coming of Christ to rapture the Church before the tribulation comes.

Standing from a practical viewpoint, I do subscribe to the opinion that we cannot risk promising God's people that they will be surely delivered from the tribulation in a pre-tribulation rapture. Plainly because we really cannot know for sure that this will happen. If it really does not happen, then the believers' faith will be badly shaken should they wake up to find themselves in the midst of tribulation. 

There are two types of suffering for people: 1) Curse of the law or sin, 2) Persecution for the sake of the gospel. We are surely delivered from the first because of Christ's finished work on the cross. Because Jesus suffered the punishment of sin, we do not need to suffer sickness, poverty, lack, loneliness and everything that comes with the consequences of sin. However, nowhere in the bible promises the believer that he will be free from persecution. In fact, Jesus is the One who said 'In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' (John 16:33) 

However, we, the Church is surely promised deliverance from God's wrath at the end of the Tribulation. This is because God's wrath has been totally exhausted in the body of Christ at the Cross. It would be unjustifiable for God to send wrath to those who believe in Christ's finished work. The Law of Double Jeopardy says that the same crime cannot be punished on the criminal twice. Hence we can have the assurance that we will be shielded from God's wrath at the end of the Tribulation just like the Jews were shielded from the ten plagues on Egypt. However, no one can be sure if this deliverance means that we are bodily taken out of this earth (like in a secret Rapture).

In my next blog post I will talk about our response as believers to these end-times events. 

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