Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Discerning the Timing of Your Harvest

If you have been praying and standing in faith for a long time, wondering if God's promise would ever come to pass in your life, then this message is for you. Many people have missed God's best because they gave up just before their due season arrives. Galatians 6:9 says 'Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.'

But some of us may wonder like will we know if we are in due season, that it is truly our time to reap our harvest? Hence I started reading up about what happens in due season and discerning the timing of your harvest from various sources. I came to these conclusions, after studying my personal experiences as well. You may find some of the things I mention below familiar.

How to discern if your harvest time is here:

1)  You will experience a joy rising in your heart. There is an excitement about what is coming in your spirit yet your head may not understand it.

2) There is an unction or a knowing by the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20) and that inner witness will enable us to sense if we are getting close to our harvest.

3) Bondages start falling off and strongholds are destroyed. Those things that hold you back in the past will not longer have a hold on you.

4) Things start to fall into place and when they happen, it's usually very fast. You will find that when things fall into place, they happen at around the same time.

5) Supernatural doors open. If it is not due season yet, you may try to seek open doors but the doors will be closed. Yet when you reach harvest time, God moves and these doors open effortlessly.

6) God's word and His messages will consistently bombard you so that you will know your due season has truly arrived. And if God has told you to do something, take a step of faith and see Him open the doors that no man can shut.

7) You will find that there's increased resistance and attacks by the enemy, trying to turn up the pressure on you, to make you faint-hearted and give up. The reason the pressure has been turned up is because you are so close to your victory. Keep pressing forward and don't give up. Turn the pressure on the enemy instead by praying more in tongues. Fan into flames the gift of God in you.

Beloved, if it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, it means you are much closer to your victory. It is always the darkest just before dawn arrives. You are about to give birth to what God has put in your heart. That's why it is such a struggle. You may feel that you have waited for a long time and finally you believe that you are coming into due season. Yet instead of seeing your manifestation, you experience more resistance and disappointments. Don't be discouraged. You are in that final push; you are really so close to victory. You have come too far to give up now. You have truly come into due season and even though it is difficult, it is just a matter of time before God turns it around. Payday is coming!


  1. Its harvest time!!

  2. Praise the Lord! Thank you for the confirmation of God's word that it is truly harvest time!
