Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Goodness of God

Last Friday was Joshua's primary one orientation. Both Heng and I were a bit nervous about this event, because there were more than 600 parents. Besides we had to buy his uniforms and textbooks if not we need to come back another day. The only thing we didn't think about was Joshua. We thought since he had come for preparatory Chinese lessons, he should be very familiar with his primary school. He did not even cry when he first came for the lessons. He was such a brave boy.

We really did not expect him to be so sticky to us. Initially he was quite ok, but when I walked over to tell him 'Jesus will be with you. Mummy and daddy will be here for you later.' Then he started to get sticky to us and cried. He could not stop crying and I had to spend some time to cajole him. However, he still did not stop crying. I was so angry that I scolded him and told him to stop crying. I thought that my efforts of putting him in the preparatory lessons would help. Well the Lord proved me wrong. I was trusting in flesh. Then the talk begun and we had to sit behind.

Heng was still feeling worried about Joshua and wanted to go over and check on him. I was very firm and I told him not to go. I asked the Lord to take over the situation because I really did not know what to do with him. Besides I was disappointed that he was still crying after nine sessions of lessons in this school. Then we heard an announcement calling for the parents of a boy named Josh to come in front. I told Heng it was not Joshua for he does not call himself Josh. So we ignored it.

Later when the kids were leaving for the classroom, Heng walked over to take a look at him. He realized that he was standing with a teacher and told me that he was that boy, Josh! I could not believe it and I quickly walked over. I saw him with a teacher and I asked if he was ok. He still had tears in his eyes but the teacher said he would be ok because she would continue to hold his hands. So sweet of her. A few teachers came and touched his head. Then one guy came and gave him a fan to cheer him up. Guess what...the guy turned out to be the principal! Wow! Such favor from God!

When we saw him settled down, we were more at peace. If not we were so stressed and uptight. But when we saw the favor of God on him, we were so full of gratitude and I had tears in my eyes. I was assured  that God would take good care of him. Then we were at rest. Later when we saw him again, he was ok. His teacher said he is a good boy. He did not cry. We really thank God for that!

My reflection on the day's event was this: going to primary school is a major transition for our family, a major milestone in Joshua's life. Our boy has grown up...I cannot believe he is going primary one next year. I am going to miss him because he will spend so much of his time in school - at least 7 hours. There will be some adjustment for him and for me. 

Actually I was thinking that God's timing is perfect. God gave me ample time with Joshua before he goes to primary school. God also provided me to be there for Joshua's transition to primary one. I was thinking it would be really stretched for me to be doing all these preparations and attending the first few days of school with him if I had already given birth to another child and I had to take care of another small baby.

God is really doing so many new things: Joshua going to primary one and our church moving to our new home: The Star. I really thank God for putting me in position in ministry first, at least God has settled me into that role.  Because there are changes in church life (ministry work) and our family, I already foresee that I will be busier next year. It will not be like the past two years. It would be busy yet I would enjoy restful increase. Besides God has gone ahead before me to prepare the way so I just enjoy the journey. 

I thank God that things around me are changing...new things are happening yet the Lord changes not. I can have faith in an unchangeable God. Although today is an eventful and tiring day, I am choosing not to think too far to his first day in school. I believe there is enough grace for me to face it when the day comes..praise the Lord!

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