During our Vision Sunday on 1 Jan 2017, Pastor Prince declared this year to be year of the Jubilee. When he announced this year's theme to be the year of Jubilee, I was more peaceful than elated. Although I was encouraged by this year's theme, I didn't jump for joy, unlike what I did for 2016 theme. I guess I was kind of confused because I thought that Jubilee was already over. Our nation's Jubilee was celebrated in 2015. Israel's Jubilee year was in 5776, which was from Sep 2015-Oct 2016.
As we entered into the Hebrew year 5777, I was quite sure that Jubilee was over. However that didn't negate the fact that 5777 is a very powerful year, the year of the sword and triple seven signifying manifested completions. I had a sense that God is going to complete what He had started in the last season in 5777. It is also prophesied to be a year of victory because our Gregorian year is 2017. All the prophets seemed to be so excited about this new year. There is a heightened sense that something very good is in store for us this year.
I was wondering what our theme for this year could be. Year of answered prayers, year of fulfilment, year of arrival or finally, unprecedented year of abundance, an Ephesians 3:20 year etc. When I saw the video animation for this year, I couldn't see the word clearly. I thought it was the year of finished. Because the video was about dark clouds and lightning at the start. Then it cleared up at one point to show blue skies and a rainbow. It was the same scene at the cross when Jesus cried finished. The next thing was the chains on the hands being broken and the pair of hands raised up to worship the Lord. It was exactly what Pastor saw in a vision.
But it totally surprised me when Pastor declared this year to be year of Jubilee. He then talked about why the Lord declared this year to be Jubilee. In 1917, General Allenby marched into Jerusalem and declared it as Israel's land. He then urged all the Jews to come back to their homeland. Sadly they didn't, if they did, the holocaust might not have happened. Then in 1967, Israel was in a six-day war. They were attacked on the Sabbath. So they were totally caught unaware and totally outnumbered. However, God turned the situation around and they gained a glorious victory on the seventh day. This reminded us of the Jericho victory. History repeated itself as a testimony to God's sovereignty.
It seems like every 50 years, something major would happen. And 2017 is also 50 years from 1967. Hence another Jubilee year. Pastor said that when Israel was in the six-day war, it was also a Jubilee year for them. I didn't know that. Anyway it didn't matter which year was the Jubilee in precise date. All I know is God has declared 2017 to be a year of Jubilee for our church. That's all that matters. Even though I thought 2015-2016 was the Jubilee year, events in 2016 really didn't seem like a Jubile year to me. We had some mega blessings in 2015 but that still wasn't the fullness of our blessings.
It was interesting that Pastor said Jubilee can only happen when the people are in the promised land. So last year's theme about possessing our possessions was really a preparation for what is coming up this year. For if we hadn't crossed the Jordan, entered our promised land and started possessing our inheritance, then the whole idea about Jubilee would be moot. Jubilee year also means that we are finally out of the wilderness, out of Egypt. No wonder the scene about Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt was impressed upon me during Christmas. Out of captivity.
I also thought about how the conquest of the promised land lasted around 7 years and at the end of it, the inheritance was divided amongst the Israelites. Then God gave Israel rest from their enemies, rest from war. I thought about how I have contended for a particular promise since 2010, for seven years. It is really about time for a ceasefire. Year of Jubilee is more powerful than the seventh year. It is also more powerful than a due season. Some people only experienced Jubilee year once in their lifetime. Jubilee happens once every fifty years.
In the year of Jubilee, the enemy has no choice but to loosen his grip on me in this area. God has put an end to all his nonsense. God has said enough is enough. He has to release me from this bondage. I am prisoner to the enemy no more. God has set me free. He has broken the chains of bondage this year. Surely I will see the manifestation of my promise. Pastor also said that if you are believing God for a baby, believe that this is the year you have your baby.
God told me in 2011 that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive what the Lord has in store. Throughout the years I have seen trickles of His goodness but not the fullness of it. There are some seeds that I have sown over the years that I haven't seen the fruits. But yet God is still telling me the day will come and He does not lie. I really have good reason to believe that this is it. This is the day that God has been preparing me for years. For such a time like this.
Another thing I noticed was Jubilee seemed to be associated with blowing of the ram's horn. The sacrifice of an innocent lamb for our sins. This is exactly what Jesus did on the cross for us. And the blowing of the ram's horn is also associated with the march around Jericho. This story had close connotation to the possession of this particular promise. It is good to hear the ram's horn again.
No wonder the enemy was hitting us so hard towards the end of 2016. He knows something big is coming our way and 2017 is going to be a great year. God showed me a sign of the truck along the river when I was there last week, like telling me something big is heading towards me. The enemy is so afraid of us crossing over to 2017 because it would mark the end of his oppression over us. He had to release his grip over us. God orders and even the devil obeys.
Pastor also mentioned that Jubilee is also a time of reset. Interesting the word reset has been jumping up at me. We are in the midst of a divine reset that will catch us up from the attacks that have caused delays and caused us to lag behind. This won't just be a chance to go back to square one and give it another go, but much more. It will involve erasing past failures, frustrations, and fears; and removing former discouragements, disappointments, distraction and delays. It will also include the grace to break patterns that have limited or sabotaged in the past.
It will come with fresh vision to see situations, opportunities and even ourselves with renewed expectation. This "reset" will be unto a "personal Genesis" – any place in our lives where there has been chaos, darkness or a void, His Spirit will hover and His light will break forth unto a "new day". No wonder some messages talked about 2017 to be the year of catching up. It's God's way of moving forward the clock hand so that the time which we have fallen behind could be reset. So let us rejoice and celebrate for the ram's horn has been sounded! The year of Jubilee has started!
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