Thursday, September 3, 2020


just watched the video broadcast by Pastor Darren and Pastor Sam (GRC). Pastor Darren was revisiting the theme of the year. The sermon was preached by Pastor Prince on 5 Jan. It was so anointed! He talked about how the first four months people in the world were in such great fear as the virus raged and became more contagious.

But the Lord has already got Pastor to prepare us by partaking of Holy Communion in 2019. The year of latter rains brought forth grain, wine and oil for this very purpose. In a time when people’s health was being attacked, we can enjoy divine health and protection through the Holy Communion. Pastor also reminded us about the teaching of anointing oil in Feb this year. 


The next four months of the year from May to Aug were a time of lockdown for most part of the world. There wasn’t so much about the fear of the virus taking lives or people getting infected but more of the mental health at risk when people were forced to stay at home. That was when the people of God got to enjoy supernatural rest as we moved up the second level of the chamber.  


Instead of being stressed up about staying at home, the Lord turned it into a needful time of seeking Him and restoring of family relationships. For some of us the increased time spent with our family members improved our bonding and led to days of heaven on earth. In a sense we didn’t have to worry too much about what was going on in the world because we knew the Lord was protecting our households with His previous blood. 


Then as the world begins to start opening up, cities coming out of their lockdowns, the worry has now turned into something else. At this point in time, people are less afraid of the virus taking lives than losing their jobs or facing an economic downturn. The aftermath of the pandemic is now taking its toll on the economy and experts said it could be worse than the Great Depression in 1930s. Only God knows how long it will take for the world economy to recover! 


So yes in this last part of the year, we are moving up the third level of the chamber, where the gold and treasuries are stored. At a time when people are fearful of financial provisions and how to feed their family, the children of God are already well provided for by our loving Father. This pandemic and economic downturn was no surprise for Him. He has already gone ahead of us and made our paths smooth.


And as we arise out of our rest in the Lord, now is the time for action. Now is the time to position ourselves for the transfer of wealth. Now is the time to occupy our land and take hold of our territory! The enemy was so terrified of God’s timing for us and he was coming hard against the manifestation of God’s blessings and promises in our lives. He did not want us to occupy our territory and use our authority against him. 


Pastor Daren said the world got it in reverse. They went straight for the gold in the third level, at the expense of their rest and their health. God’s plan is always for us to progress step by step, as He leads. God wants us to focus on building our health. We do not have to chase after the gold and riches. As we rest in the Lord, He will cause the wealth of the unrighteous to come to us. The blessings of the Lord adds no sorrow to us.


Then I saw this message being circulated amongst our church members. 1 Sep is the 1st day that we will officially move up from the Priests’ resting room (2nd level) to the storehouse of God’s good treasures! If the 3 levels of temple chamber are divided according to the 12 months of calendar:


1st level - Jan to Apr

2nd level -May to Aug

3rd level - Sep to Dec


So we are at the 3rd level of God’s storehouse of provision NOW! Therefore, expect the transfer of wealth from the World to His beloveds and the church to happen starting from now! Hallelujah! What a privilege to be children of God!


Get ready to receive the provision of God from His storehouse as this declaration of Abba God’s incredible blessing over you goes forth! Praise the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness for the Word in Philippians‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”


Lord, thank You for showing us that You have moved us up to the 3rd level of God’s chamber - the Storehouse- to receive Your provision of overflowing blessings and riches in glory! We believe and declare it to do so!

You can watch the video if you are interested.


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