Thursday, February 28, 2013

Plant Experiment

Recently we conducted a plant experiment to see the power of our words. Proverbs 18:21 says 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.' There are two seeds that we planted in the cotton wool in two cups. One plant we bless daily and the other plant we curse daily. We called them the Blessed Plant and the Cursed Plant. We gave the plants same amount of water and sunlight everyday and see them grow.

For the Blessed Plant, we would tell it to grow healthy and strong in Jesus' Name, that it is blessed, it is lovely and beautiful, that we love the plant. For the Cursed Plant, we would curse it in Jesus' name and say it will not grow healthy and strong, it is very ugly and no one loves it. One week later, we observed the results of our daily blessing and cursing. The seed that was blessed grew much faster than the one that was cursed.

We observed the plants for another week and we saw that the Cursed Plant started to grow very fast after the first week, somewhat catching up with the Blessed Plant. We decided to curse it in Jesus' name, that it will shrivel up and die from its roots. At the moment when we cursed it to die, nothing seemed to happen. The leaves were still as green and healthy. Initially I was still concerned that the Cursed Plant will overtake the Blessed Plant in its growth but after one day of cursing it to its death, we were amazed to see that the plant really withered.

This plant experiment taught us a very powerful lesson. Firstly, we were made conscious of the fact that we are king-priests and there is power in our words. We should be aware that everytime we speak God's word, it is not dissipating into thin air but that once we speak His word, everything is set into motion in the spirit realm. Secondly, like how we cursed the plant to shrivel up and die, even though nothing seemed to change on the surface, the truth was that the plant was also cursed in its roots, which we cannot see. The results of the withering would eventually manifest because the moment we cursed it to die, the plant was starting to die.

I was reminded of the incident when Jesus cursed the fig tree and the next day it really shriveled up and died. Jesus then told the disciples in the famous Kenneth E. Hagin's verse in Mark 11:24 'Whosover says to this mountain: Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.' I have come across this verse countless times but this time when I looked at it again, God is saying a new thing to me. He is telling us that if we can believe, all things are possible (Mark 9:23). All things mean all things. Jesus knows that it is our faith that overcomes the world and hence He is always building us up in our faith.

How many times have we declared His promise and when it took a while to manifest, we start to wonder what is happening or is God's Word still powerful? I have...many times, especially when the outward circumstances still did not seem to change a bit after I have spoken His word many times. Yet God still encouraged me that everything has changed and He is still working behind the scenes. Well, He knows I need help so He gave me this vivid illustration of how everything is set into motion once I cursed the plant to die. And when I saw this in the natural, my heart was so encouraged and I was reminded to continue speaking His word and not give up. For it would only be a matter of time that what we say will come to pass. Maybe you would like to try this experiment and experience the power of your words? You will be so encouraged.


  1. Awesome. We are going to try this as a whole church this starting this sunday!

    1. Praise The Lord! I am sure that your church members will be so blessed by this revelation!

  2. Good God! I tried this experiment; it actually works!
    Alas! How I regret all the harsh words and curses that I uttered at my children, poor kids. Now when I bless them and their children, they are blossoming beautifully! The miracle of God!

  3. Powerful indeed, will definitely try this as well. Thank you.
