Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Secrets of looking young

Do you have friends who look very young for their age? Friends whose faces never seem to change even after one or two decades? Yet some people look much older for their age. Do you ever wonder what is the secret of their youth? Well, for me, it is not the magic water (SKII) or skincare products or Botox. The secret of looking young is this: God renews our youth like the eagles (Psalm 103:5)

In fact, if you read Genesis, you will find that God renewed Sarah's youth. Well, at age 90, she still looked beautiful enough for a heathen king like Abimelech to want her for his harem! If that is not youth renewed, what is it? Actually this is very interesting. If we trust in the Lord to preserve and renew our youth like Sarah, the Lord will do it for us! Just like my friend Mary, who knew this secret when she was very young and believed that the Lord will keep her from ageing. Well, after a few decades, this is the evidence of what she strongly believed in.

The first photo was taken when she was only 17 years old. The second photo was taken in her late 40s. Well, I think that she actually looked much gorgeous than she did when she was 17! Today she is a proud mother of two grown-up daughters. Amazing right? All glory to Jesus!

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