Monday, March 19, 2012

Popcorn Popping

Have you tried cooking those microwave popcorn? Well, I have not but according to Mark Hankins (a faith preacher), he says that the spirit of faith is like the popcorn principle. Popcorn has to be put in the microwave for 3 min 45 sec. For the 1st minute, nothing seems to be happening. For the 2nd minute, again nothing seems to be happening. About 3 minutes later, you will hear a pop, then two pops, then three pops. In the last 45 seconds, the popcorn goes pop, pop, pop, pop...until the whole bag has all popped. (

Mark Hankins says that the things of God are like that. Sometimes it seems that nothing is happening on the surface for a long, long time, just like how I felt I was trapped in a cycle in my 'Groundhog Day' blog post. Yet he tells us not to be discouraged when we do not see anything happening. Very soon, God will give us one or two pops to show you that something is happening. Then when we hear the pops, our spirit gets excited because we know we are heading in the right direction and God can pop our whole bag of popcorn in a very short time. He can make all our promises come to pass in a single year. He grants us supernatural favour to open the doors that would take years to open.

The atmosphere of faith makes the impossible possible. When the popcorn starts popping, it will pop all the way and you will get so excited and joyful that you cannot stop laughing. You may wonder why when things move, they all moved around the same time. This is the popcorn principle. When things start to move, there is a certain momentum that causes other things to move. God told Mark Hankins this: 'If only you knew what happens in the spirit realm when you rejoice, you will rejoice everyday.' Joy is the serious business of heaven. A merry heart does good like medicine. The joy of the Lord is our strength. In His presence is fullness of joy.

I really thank God that in the past 3 weeks, many things that I have been waiting for a long time moved so fast. I know that God is the One supernaturally opening the doors for me. He encouraged me with one pop, then two pops then the popcorn starts popping very fast. Now I am so excited and I cannot stop praising the Lord when I hear the popcorn go pop, pop, pop, pop, pop...  because I know I am now into the last 45 seconds when God is popping my popcorn the whole bag through. 

There was only one time Mark Hankins said his popcorn did not pop even after 3 minutes. It still did not pop after 4 minutes. When he checked the microwave oven, he realised that someone had turned the switch to 'Defrost'! The popcorn will not pop because it has to get beyond a certain temperature for the pressure inside the kernel to build to the point where popping occurs. He said we got to keep the spirit of faith on high. If you keep going in circles and there is not even a sound of a pop in your life, then check your faith level. Check what you have been saying about your situation.

Remember, praises always precede victory. The power of life and death is in our tongue. Choose to speak faith-filled words. Choose to praise God even when you do not see anything happening because God is always working behind the scenes. Very soon, you will hear a 'pop' and then before you even know it, God has popped your whole bag through! Praise Jesus!


  1. thanks for sharing this Avin...Kerine

  2. Thanks Kerine for your encouragement! I am happy that you are ministered by my sharing!
