Thursday, July 7, 2011

Avin's God

Do you know how is my God like to me? He is a God of pure goodness, a God who loves me so much that He sent Heaven's Best to die for me. Great in might, powerful, holy and yet merciful, compassionate and gracious. What a combination!

Like our children will never be able to fathom our love for them, we too can never truly fathom His great love for us. A love that can endure nonsense from us and still find us lovely.

Yesterday I was bathing while Joshua was changing into his clothes after he bathed. He was banging loudly at the bathroom door calling for help. I quickly opened the door, thinking what had happened. It turned out that he did not know how to flip over his underwear (which was inside out). He was getting frustrated and tears were in his eyes when he said 'Mummy, look at this!' So I took it from him and told him it's ok, no need to cry.

This incident caused me to think about my behaviour with my God. Isn't it interesting that sometimes I am also like that? Making a big fuss over a small matter? Crying for something so trivial? Nothing really of life and death matter...yet in my God's eyes, nothing is small matter to Him as long as it bothered me.

Recently I didn't know why I got so stressed out and worried about an issue that I just lost focus of His Word and I got all depressed and moody. Yet it wasn't even anything major...we were walking in the midst of God's rich blessings. I was so ashamed of my behaviour. I thought I was a woman of faith yet why couldn't I trust God on this issue?

My God was so good...He understood that I am but only human and had limited strength. He not only did not condemn me, He encouraged me. He told me how precious I am to Him and that I take up a very special place in His heart. He stored up every single tear that I cried because whenever I cried, His heart literally broke. He said He will breakthrough all of heaven just to reach me when I cry out to Him.  He cannot bear to see me cry. He will do anything to wipe away my tears and grant me joy in place of my tears.

I am reminded of how Jesus wept when He saw the rest crying over Lazarus' death (John 11:35). He was so moved by compassion that He wept even though He knew Lazarus would be resurrected shortly and everything would be all right.  Jesus was fully human when He cried, yet He was fully God when He resurrected Lazarus. I am so touched by my Jesus, who in all His great power and might, can feel how I feel but more importantly, He has the power to bring me out of my situation. He has the power to deliver me. Oh, how great is my God!

Mr friends, how is your God like to you?

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