Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fan into Flames the gift of God!

Have you ever thought about this: over time, your pain and wounds would eventually get better until one day it no longer affects you anymore yet the reverse is true for the God-given dreams in your heart. Over time, these dreams and desires never seem to die, instead they intensify and get rekindled. Maybe not everyone feels that way but I do.

I believe this is how God programmed us. We were never meant to hold on to those hurts and pains and disappointments. We were supposed to cast all these cares to the Lord because they will weigh us down. On the other hand, God has given each one of us a divine destiny. He has made us for a specific assignment on this earth - an assignment that only we could do because God gave us these gifts and talents. Sometimes, these dreams and desires actually get 'chucked' into one corner of our minds but they were never totally erased.

In my case, I thought that over a long time of waiting, my desire for a second child would wane off. In fact, for most people, the desire probably will taper off. The desire would usually be very strong in the beginning but after years of waiting, some people would be so disappointed and give up totally. They would think that maybe God didn't want them to have kids in the first place.

Not me. After a few years of waiting, my desire actually intensified. God has a way of reminding me that He has already given me this child and He will bring it to pass no matter how long it seems. Almost every single month in those years, I never fail to think about this promise no matter how hard I try not to. Especially after a long time has passed, I believe I am closer to the manifestation more so than ever and my expectation heightens. 

Sometimes, it can be painful to hold on to this promise when nothing seems to be happening these few years. But God wants us to walk by faith not by sight. We are not to be discouraged by what we can't see on the surface because the truth is: God is always working behind the scenes and He who promised is faithful.

We may not understand how God works but we must always remember God loves us so much and He is a good God. In fact, why would He withhold any good thing from us when He has already given us heaven's best - Jesus His only Son? In my limited understanding, I believe there can be only one reason for the delay. He is planning something even better, grandier and greater than the request we are asking Him now. When His masterplan is finally revealed to us, our faith in Him will be emboldened and we will give Him all the glory for what only God can do.

2 Tim 1:6 says 'Fan into flames the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.' God wants you to get the fire of that dream back because your time is coming. Every dream in your heart, every promise that's taken root, God not only put it there, He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Keep your spirit of faith high and see your dreams come to pass!

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