Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Last night I was just sharing with Heng about how peaceful and tranquil I felt as I retraced the steps I walked around my old workplace. It was amazing how God changed my mind and feelings. Though the process took some time, it was certainly worth the wait. I now see how I have changed. I have really come so far. Many times I keep my eyes glued to the horizon, looking for a cloud the size of a hand and miss the beauty close at hand. I look for the coming rain. It is not a wrong thing but it is only a portion—only a small piece of His glory. I have been so future minded that I missed what God is doing in the here and now.

I read about this in Journals of the Heart last week but it never really went into my heart. But yesterday I finally understood what God meant. When I saw that I had missed out on the beautiful scenery at the river as I rushed by to and from work everyday, I realised something. Even during that time of difficulty, God still had prepared good things for me to enjoy. I wondered what other good things I have missed out other than the beautiful scenery. I totally missed it because my eyes were focused on the day that I could quit my job and be a stay home mum.

Then when I could finally resign, I was elated and as I began my stay home days, I was exhilarated. Finally! The day had come! But soon enough, again I was at risk of not enjoying the good things God has prepared for me in that season. As I began to pine for my next promise, there were times I just wished that I could reach my destination sooner. I kept my eyes glued to the horizon, looking for the day the promise manifests.

Many times I missed the beauty close at hand, I missed seeing that the greatest blessings God has given me, other than Jesus, are Heng and Joshua. My family. These blessings are right under my nose. No wonder the psalmist said blessed are those who see when good comes. I nearly missed enjoying my family life, enjoying my darling son as I waited for my next season to come. At times I was so future minded that I missed what God is doing in the here and now.

No wonder since Apr 2013, God already told me to enjoy my life, pamper myself, fulfil my desires and make myself happy. Don't postpone my joy, my enjoyment till that day the promise manifests. Everything I need to enjoy life is given there and then. And since last Dec, the excitement and anticipation seemed to be heightened with lots of good things happening in my life. Continuously, one after another, wave after wave. Blessings were chasing me down the street and I was overjoyed.

I began to overlook those disappointments and little foxes that steal my joy, choosing to focus on the good things God is doing in my life. I count my blessings regularly and I give thanks to God. I also became expectant of more good things happening in my life and I praised Him in advance for these blessings. As I rejoiced and gave thanks to the Lord, I learnt how to enjoy my life, treasure the moment and live in the present. I learnt how to put myself totally under His grace. I learnt to let go and rest in the Lord.

After last Dec, the blessings didn't stop but kept flowing in. I realised that God has already blessed me with so many good things in life, it would be silly of me not to enjoy them. It was like along my way to receiving this promise, God has lined up many surprises, blessings and restoration for me. These were like presents waiting for me to unwrap them. But if I told Him that I just want my manifestation now, I would really miss out on all the good things He has prepared for me.

When I saw how good God wants to be to me, I was so touched that I cried. I saw His heart of goodness towards me, all the time. I saw that even in the seasons of waiting and sowing, He also had good things in store for me. Though those seasons were tough, His grace and mercy was more than sufficient. And He could still bless me in such a way that I could enjoy my life. Jesus has come so that we could have life more abundantly. I finally understood what this meant. I told myself I finally came to the place where God wanted me to be in. I finally saw the things He has been wanting to show me all these years. I finally learnt to enjoy the present.

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