God gives to each of us the ability to do certain things well. He grants us gifts, through which we are able to help others greatly. We find immense personal fulfillment in making use of them as well. He also leads us in establishing dreams and goals based on our gifts, that keep our life moving in constructive directions.
Yet most of us will admit that we feel underappreciated much of the time when it comes to our gifts and dreams. Our discouragement stems as much as anything from not receiving enough positive feedback--compliments, affirmation and assurance that what we’re doing makes a difference. For me, I enjoy writing and blogging. Most times I write out of the overflow from spending time with God. I felt so full that I was compelled to share with my readers.
However there are times when I wonder whether my sharing would minister to people. After all there are dime a dozen bloggers out there. In the first place I may not even know how people chance upon my blog for it can only be God's leading. I thank God for this special sister who always took the time to write to me after reading my books or my blog posts. She is really a Godsend to me, to encourage me. Other times God also sends other people to give me positive feedback about the books I wrote. It was times like this that I discover my work is benefiting others significantly.
To say that I was totally not interested in the acclaim or recognition for my writing ministry would be a lie. Even though that is not the top of my priority (which is to benefit millions with this ministry), it is nevertheless still important. But I have only just started. Imagine Nehemiah Ministries has been around for decades! And I understand that such recognition can take longer to result than we wish, and almost always comes in different ways than we expect. But I believe it does come--if I stay faithful to mu gifts and dreams.
Meanwhile I just continue to be faithful to what God has called me to do, irregardless of whether the fruits manifest. Even if I have only one reader, I will still continue to blog. I am sure that if I give it time, God will prove to me that my labour in Him is not in vain. One day I shall see my rewards and the fruits of my labour. I will look back on that day and thank God that I didn't give up when I felt discouraged or when I wasn't sure if my blog was making any difference in my readers' lives.
Occasionally I will still question if my ministry really influence lives but I just have to trust that God is working behind the scenes. I tell myself to walk by faith not by sight. My part is to give the word, His part is to work wonders in people's lives once the word is received into their hearts. But in any case, my greatest reward now is the joy I derive from writing about what He has taught me, what He wanted to share with you. This is how much your God loves you.
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