Monday, March 7, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure

It has been 5 weeks since I stopped work and stayed home to look after my son. All I can say is that this time of staying home is truly so blessed because it is a dream come true for me. I consider myself blessed beyond measure because I have the whole morning to spend time with Jesus while my son goes to kindergarten. The fellowship I had with Jesus is sweet beyond words. You have to taste it yourself and see how good God is.

I was telling Heng that being able to spend 3 hours everyday just fellowshipping with God is pure luxury. I told him it was better than owning ten Louis Vuitton bags! It is during such times that I get to hear from God so clearly and also become more prompt to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading. Interestingly, even though I stay at home, God still brings across people in my paths to minister to.

It has been my heart's desire to start writing my book but ever since I stopped work, I did not feel the immediate urge to start on my book. God told me to wait upon Him and to feed on His Word first. When the time comes, He will prompt me to start writing and I will have no lack of ideas and words. In the meantime I just rest in His goodness, basking in His love for me. I am not hurried or stressed. I am at rest.

True enough, last Saturday I woke up full of ideas on what to write for my book. I quickly wrote down these ideas in my journal first. But the urge to put it down on my laptop was so strong, I could not ignore it. Finally I got down to writing chapter one of my book without even knowing how the entire structure of my book would look like. I told myself: 'It is ok, I just write when the Spirit leads and the rest of the book will fall into place.'

It was really effortless as I started writing. The ideas just kept flowing. In fact, there were so much I could write about but the Lord told me to focus on the finished work of Christ on the cross. He told me not to worry for I do not need to confine my life story and experiences into one book. I could space them out into many books with different themes, targeting different audiences.

Wow! It is indeed an exciting journey that God led me to embark on, not knowing what the next step would be. But God reassured me that He would open the doors for publishers to seek me out, so I just have to concentrate on providing the contents to my book.  In fact, God also reminded me that as far as He is concerned, this book is already published. It is already a finished work. Jesus has already paid for it. I just enjoy the process of writing with no stress. What an awesome provision from my Daddy God!


  1. Avin, I am excited for you as you embark on this journey to write your book. The prompting from the Holy Spirit is a blessed confirmation. You are indeed a very good writer and I look forward to hearing more as you continue on! Have a wonderful day...

  2. Thanks Gail for your encouragement! You are such a blessing to me. Actually writing is my weakest area. So really all glory goes to God!
