Thursday, March 3, 2011

Passion of the Christ

I just finished watching the movie 'Passion of  the Christ'. I know it's kind of delayed. I had been hesitating to watch it for years because I cannot bear watching my Savior been scourged and crucified. But recently the Lord impressed upon me to watch it because there would be some revelations while watching movie. Pastor Prince also mentioned that there were people who get healed while watching Jesus being scourged. By His stripes, we are healed.

Indeed there are many revelations while watching the movie, along with much tears.  First of all, I was wondering why would God want to sacrifice His only Son to suffer and die for us when we don't even deserve it? As I watched, I told God why don't you just save Your Son and let the world die? The answer is this: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

I saw how Mary's heart was crushed seeing Jesus suffer and die and I can't help but think about my Abba Father's heart. I can't even find a word to describe how God must have felt when He turned His back on Jesus, His beloved Son, who is so obedient to Him even to the point of death! Indeed what kind of God do we serve? If God did not withhold heaven's best, would He withhold anything from us? When I look at the cross, I see His heart of love. I am truly convinced that such a God cannot be anything but good. Faith is having a good opinion of God, believing in His goodness despite what bad things had happened in our lives.
Secondly, the revelation is that what Jesus suffered (the lashing, the crown of thorns, the shame, the rejection), we don't ever have to suffer again. Like what Pastor Prince said, the wrath of God is all upon Jesus and when Jesus said 'It is finished', the sacrifice is complete. The finished work of Christ is like the ashes and no fire could ever burn on the ashes again. As long as we stay in the finished work of Christ, we will be abiding in the secret place of the Most High. No judgement or wrath of God could befall us when we cling on to Jesus and His finished work.

Thirdly, when Christ rose again, He truly conquered death, the last enemy. Jesus crushed the serpent's head, rendering what Satan did to be ineffective. Because of this new covenant, we are more than conquerors in Christ. We are given the dominion over the earth once again. We can do what Jesus did on earth (heal the sick, cast out the demons and bring redemption to all). In fact, Jesus said we could do greater works than these.

I don't know about you but I am going to take Jesus' Word literally. I believe this authority to govern the earth has been given to all believers and it is up to the believer to exercise this authority. Imagine this: dominion over this earth, dominion over sicknesses and diseases, dominion over demonic powers, dominion over death even. All these are ours to claim. Let this truth sink into your hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Just me testing out the anonymous profile
