Friday, June 3, 2011

Expect Miracles in Your Life!

I have always desired to see the miracles of God being commonplace in my church and my daily living. Miracles are defined as extraordinary events demonstrating divine intervention in human affairs. I read an article by Mark Brazee that says miracles are divided into four main categories. There are physical miracles like healings; provisional miracles like how Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fishes; miracles of protection or deliverance like when Peter was delivered out of prison by an angel and lastly, signs and wonders that God performs like God causing the sun to stand still for the fight between Joshua and the Amalekites.

Well, to the grace of God, I had the experience to be part of and hear some of these miracles that God is doing in my care group members' life. One of it was a miraculous healing of a growth (goiter) at the throat of a dear sister. She had earlier requested for a group of us to go her place and pray for her. I felt led by the Spirit to step out and pray for her. And as I commanded the growth to shrivel up in the name of Jesus and to completely disappear, I felt the growth become smaller. I didn't think it was my imagination but I really felt it. At that moment, I was sure that the Lord had healed her. Jesus said in John 14:12-13 'He who believes in Me, the works I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.'

The healing did not manifest immediately but this dear sister believed God had healed her and she stood on her faith for no surgery to remove that growth. She continued to partake the Holy Communion everyday. About 40 days later, as she was going about her daily business, she suddenly realised that the growth had completely disappeared! When she next saw me, she asked me to put my hands on her throat to feel it. Indeed I was truly amazed that the growth is no longer there! Wow, praise the Lord!

Just a few days ago, this dear sister said something amazing happened to her daughter who is also a believer. The relationship between two of them had been quite strained but this sister had been praying for God to send an angel to speak to her daughter and let her see the truth about her life and her ex-boyfriends. And that was exactly what God did! One day at Coffee Club, a Caucasian lady just walked up to her daughter and told her the truth. That her life was in a mess because one of the ex-boyfriend's mum had practised witchcraft on her. She needed to return his things to him, get back to church and start praying.

Her daughter was so fearful but we told her that no weapon formed against her will prosper because she belongs to God. The evil one cannot touch her because Christ who is in her is greater than he who is in the world. She said she was constantly harassed by these evil spirits and they even followed her home. We anointed her with oil and prayed for her. I commanded the spirit of oppression and depression to leave her in the name of Jesus and also pleaded the blood of Jesus over her.

We told her she should do likewise when she 'feels' such evil presence lingering around her. She should command them to leave her in the name of Jesus instead of feeling fearful. She was afraid that if she spoke up, the evil spirits would harm her. We told her this would not happen because we have dominion over evil spirits, not the other way round.

These miracles are by no means insignificant to me yet the Lord told me that I have not seen anything yet. More of such miracles are to come in future. I was excited because the Word in me was exploding into blessings and miracles of God in my life. I reached a point when I am not satisfied with the natural things anymore. Because Christ died for us, I expect no less than miracles in my life, the life of my loved ones and my brothers and sisters in Christ. What a blessed life!


  1. I tried to post a comment yesterday but couldn't. However, I know that the Lord asked me to drop a note to tell you to keep writing! Yes, keep writing, God is for you! Christians have the victory in Christ and we need to keep reminding peope to believe it and to live it. God bless the work of your hands, my dear sister.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement dear sister. It is my earnest desire for the body of Christ to be edified with the Word of God.
