Thursday, January 28, 2016


Lana Vawser came to my mind the other day and I decided to check out her blog. She is one of those prophetic voices that I can identify with and what she wrote always confirmed what God told me. I came across this blog post on 18 Jan which was a word in season for me! The title is 'The Season of Barrenness has ended and it's time for the sudden bloom!' I hope it will minister to you too!

In April last year the Lord began speaking to me a lot about birthing in the spirit and about pushing through discouragement to birth your promise. There have been many ‘false starts’, many ‘labour pains’ and some birthing, but the journey for many has still been difficult and long. 

As we crossed over in 2016, I noticed a sudden acceleration in the natural. A lot of people around me that I know, that have had trouble in falling pregnant, suddenly falling pregnant. Miraculous pregnancies happening defying the odds and impossible circumstances and surprise pregnancies and all due in the same month. I was hearing testimony after testimony all around me of pregnancy and birthing. I realised that the Lord was highlighting a theme in all of these testimonies and I felt the Lord say that “the season of barrenness has ended. I am breaking the barrenness”. 

The Lord went on to speak to me about this season being a season of the implantation of life and hope again. The season of birthing. The season of barrenness being ended and the time for the ‘sudden bloom’ to come forth. Wombs would open in the natural, supernaturally, but also that the Lord is LOOKING for the barren areas in the lives of His people and He is breaking the barrenness to bring SUDDEN BLOOM.

This morning I kept hearing Isaiah 54:1 going over and over in my heart: 'Sing oh Barren one, you who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who did not travail with child! For the children of the desolate one will be MORE than the children of the married wife, says the Lord.'

In the place of deeper intimacy the Lord is aligning His people and highlighting the power of DECLARATION to see the grip of barrenness shifted. I believe we are in a season where we are going to see barrenness in physical bodies and in natural circumstances, any area that has been barren SUDDENLY turned around and a BLOOMING of FRUIT suddenly BREAK FORTH on a SCALE we have NEVER seen before. CORPORATE BLOSSOMING is upon us!!!

The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended and the season of hiding is over and gone, the rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season of pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the voting of doves in our land. Filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of My purposes and plans are bursting forth, THE BUDDING VINES OF NEW LIFE ARE NOW BLOOMING EVERYWHERE. The fragrance of flowers whispers.. “THERE IS CHANGE IN THE AIR. ARISE, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place, for now is the time to arise and come away with Me.” – Song of Songs 2:12-13 (The Passion Translation)

The barren areas of many lives has been causing many to ‘pull back’ and to ‘hide’ in fear, in weariness, discouragement and doubt of whether the promise will ever come to pass. Whether the barrenness will ever break. (This was exactly how I felt earlier) I declare to you today that God is BREAKING barrenness and turning your barren season into the season where you will see a SUDDEN BLOOMING of fruit. A SUDDEN blooming of fruit! The VERY barren areas of your life are about to OVERFLOW and OVERFLOW and OVERFLOW. Align your mouth with the truth of His Word, DECLARE His truth, for you about to sing with joy at the SUDDEN BLOOMING upon you! All things are being made new again!

“Sarah’s faith embraced the miracle power to conceive even though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing, for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made the promise, and she tapped into His faithfulness.” (Hebrews 11:11 – The Passion Translation)

The giants of impossibility that have screamed in the land of barrenness all around you are about to hear the authority of His Word in your declaration and CRUMBLE in Jesus name. Tap into His faithfulness through your faith!! Don’t give up on the Word He has given you over your barren land. Your barren land is meeting BREAKING POINT, and once the BREAKTHROUGH happens, it will not be a long dry wasteland of waiting for the fruit to grow,  in many areas there will be a sudden accelerated blooming. (And I was just thinking about breaking point!)

The very things that have been hidden, shut off and inaccessible are now being opened, the are being released to the people of God for SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!! As the sudden bloom appears and the ancient doors continue to open, the people of God are being positioned through their declaration for OVERFLOW!!! It’s been a trickle here and there such a long time, but the time has come to go IN OVER YOUR HEAD. OVERFLOW!!!!!! OVERFLOW!! LONG AWAITED OVERFLOW!!!!!!

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