Monday, December 21, 2015


I just managed to watch John Gray's sermon on 'The Crossover'. He preached it on 9 Dec but I only got to watch it on Friday. Again it was a confirmation to what God was telling me. The sermon was preached on the day when I was crying out to God about why there was still no change in my situation. Doug Addison's prophetic word on 8 Dec also talked about getting ready to cross over to a new season. Then a sister forwarded me an email that talked about how real change was coming soon for you like it came for the Israelites when they crossed their river of change.

I was so encouraged to hear John Gray say that God is still not finished with us for the year yet. He still has three weeks left to complete what He started this year. Do you believe He can do it? God has promised us some things and we are beginning to see those things manifest but God is not finished with the year. He is setting us up for 2016. This is the crossover. Your crossover is right now. The next few weeks are critical because it is harvest season and the time for the fruition of seeds. In the next few weeks, you will see supernatural breakthroughs and miracles.

Keep your eye on Jesus in the midst of the storm for our miracle awaits us on the other side. Jesus said 'Let us cross over to the other side.' After He gave the word, the storm arose. The opposition shows the enemy's position. The reason God allowed certain things to happen because there are some holes to be filled in your life. He has to address these weaknesses so that you will be able to occupy the position you are created for after the cross over. You cannot cross over without a storm proportionate to your destiny.

The storm cannot last, it has a time limit, just like every season will come to an end. Things are about to shift for you cannot endure a storm for the entirety of your life. The storm always comes when you least expect it. It comes to shape you, for what you are going through are for the people around you. After the storm, your miracle comes and you will have a testimony the devil cannot steal. The wind storm comes to remove all that is not needed. The storm is about perseverance and position, to solidify your foundation. It removes surface things and develops character. The storm is the answer, not the test.

I was puzzled when he said the storm is not the test, it is the answer. Just like how the three Hebrew guys had to go through the fiery furnace for their ropes to be burnt away. Yet they came out without the smell of smoke on their bodies. Now I gained a better understanding of what happened in the past few months. The Lord was dealing with those weaknesses in my life through the storm. He was not testing me but giving me the answer to my prayer through the storm. He was showing me and the enemy how I have become stronger and obtained victory over the storm. It was something I had to go through somehow in order to cross over to the other side. I was about to cross over to a new day of my destiny, hence the strong opposition. And this cross over wasn't just about my desire but it has to do with my calling.

God was turning something good out of the storm and it is about my liberation, the burning away of my bondages. I was reminded of the drama series called 'The Last Ship'. The last episode I watched was about the captain being captured by the enemy ship. It was a bad thing but still better than him dying in the open sea. His crew came to save him and things turned around for them. They not only bombed parts of the enemy ship, dealt damage to the enemy, but they managed to save the captured wife and daughter of a scientist. It wasn't such a bad thing after all. In fact it was a very good thing. How else could they go on to the enemy's ship to rescue the captives if the captain wasn't taken hostage in the first place?

And how true it was when he said the storm always come when you least expect it. I started crossing over the Jordan last July and has been in battle ever since. I thought the battles were coming to an end in Nov but actually they intensified last month. It came at a time when I was most weary like those four men carrying the paralytic man to the home where Jesus was. They were already tired from the walking and didn't expect the greatest challenge to be lowering the man from the roof. But thank God the breakthrough and miracle came shortly after that.

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