Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I was reading Doug Addison's latest post on 7 Dec and my spirit got all excited again. It is titled 'Love, Hope and Joy being released now!' Well, this is really good news and when I read the prophetic word, it was again a confirmation of what God has been telling me recently. Things like getting ready to cross over into a new time in which things will not go the way they did in the past. Doesn't this sound like what Aslan said to Lucy: Things will not happen the same way twice. I took it to mean that all these years I have seen thorn bushes come up instead of myrtle trees. But this year, instead of the thorn bushes, myrtle trees will come up. Fruitfulness and fulfilment will come to the surface instead of barrenness and disappointment.

Get ready to cross over into a new time in which things will not go the way they did in the past. December is going to be a time of surprises and the release of new gifts and revelation. It is going to look strange at times as we are in the midst of a major transition. Unexpected blessings and deeper insight and revelation are coming. This is a time to pull back and not get too busy. Take time to listen and write down what God is speaking right now. Expect to hear God’s voice and to have prophetic dreams between Christmas and the New Year.

Unexpected blessings and deeper insights are coming. The spiritual atmosphere is full of expectation right now. Things are pregnant and ready for the birth of something new. But there is a moment of silence just before the birth happens. You will need to pause from busyness to capture all that is happening as sometimes it might not be all that dramatic. We know that even creation is also groaning with birth pains for the sons of God to be manifested.

This moment of silence reminded me of the transition stage in the process of giving birth. It ends labor - the suffering stops finally. The only time to do nothing but wait - it seems like nothing is happening. You must not push - you must not try to do anything. Because right after this is the birth. The most pleasant part - things get better finally. It requires no effort - happens naturally. You do not need to do much of anything. It just happens...and when you are holding that baby in your arms, you will forget about all the pain you have gone through. It will be all worth it.

Quite often God will speak to us or release something and it takes time to germinate and form. It is similar to the way a baby comes nine months after conception. Nine months ago, in March 2015, spiritual invitations went out and the wounded warriors and hidden ones began to awaken. Look back to what started to happen last March but may not have fully taken shape yet in your life. 

The next nine months, between December 2015 and September 2016, will be a strategic time of birthing the destiny of many who are called to the next level. Like childbirth, it is often painful and messy and you will be stretched in your understanding of what is possible. It will be important for us all to keep in mind that as we cross into this new season we will need to “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18.

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