Friday, December 4, 2015


Thank God I read this article from Lana Vawser 'Standing in His peace in a New Day of Destiny' on 25 Nov and gained another perspective of why I faced those intense and frequent attacks in November. This was a highlight of what she shared.

In a vision I saw many of the people of God met with "suddenlies" but these suddenlies were GIANTS. As I looked at these giants I saw the word, "INTIMIDATION" written across their chest. These giants had suddenly risen before many of the people of God and they were bringing intimidation. I knew suddenly that these giants represented circumstances from waiting for the breakthrough, to unexpected curveballs, to demonic attacks, to accusations, to hopelessness.

The common denominator of these giants, whether the circumstances before the people of God were hard, discouraging and trying, or the breakthrough has begun and the change seems overwhelming – the purpose of these giants arising was to bring intimidation and to stop the people of God from moving forward.

The intimidation was screaming lies at the people of God about who God is and who they are. Their main assignment was to bring the people of God to a place where they would RETREAT. When SUDDENLY, I saw the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and He ROARED. As He roared, I saw the words fly out of His mouth "PEACE BRINGS DEFEAT."

I then saw whirlwinds of glorious love being released from the heart of the Father, and swirling in the midst of these whirlwinds was the Scripture, Song of Songs 2:13: "Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me."

As the people of God positioned themselves under these whirlwinds of love they were taken UP to a higher place. I was taken into the whirlwind and I could see the atmosphere like liquid honey. Such richness. His words, as He spoke to them, were dripping like honey and healing was taking place in areas of the heart and soul that the people of God didn't even know were there. This higher place was higher and deeper all at once. It was a place of deeper intimacy and higher clarity.

In their "positioning" before Him, in the secret place, in the place of deeper intimacy, I saw them stepping into Philippians 4:6-7: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The hearts of God's people were being intertwined with His heart in the area that the giant was screaming in, as they spoke with the Lord about all things concerning them. In the heart of the whirlwind was such a sacred, deep place of intimacy; a connection with the heart of the Father was being established in a DEEP way.

As they communed, the supernatural peace that is already theirs in Christ was becoming a TANGIBLE MANIFESTATION in their hearts and lives. Where in the "natural" their circumstances would usually lead them into tailspins of fear and intimidation, they were standing in CONFIDENCE and PEACE in Him. They had not only stepped "back into peace" but deeper into peace than ever before, because they had stepped DEEPER into His heart.

As the people of God were being lowered out of these whirlwinds, not only were they "coming out" stronger but they knew His peace like they had never known before. They stepped out and faced their giants, and as they opened their mouths they all spoke the same thing, "I KNOW who my God is. His name is FAITHFUL and the One who IS WITH ME AND GOES BEFORE ME." Suddenly, these giants fell backwards onto their backs and the people of God stepped onto the bodies of these giants and walked over them to get to the other side. There was a ROAR of applause from the heavens and then I saw the angels joining in with the great cloud of witnesses.

"Can you not discern, this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of My purposes and plans are bursting forth and the budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of flowers whispers, 'There is change in the air.' The VERY GIANTS of intimidation that had risen out of nowhere were blocking something VERY KEY: "A NEW DAY OF DESTINY". On the other side of the giants you are facing is your new day of destiny.

Press in, go deeper, go lower, let your requests be made known to God and trust Him, for the TANGIBLE PEACE OF GOD that surpasses all understanding is about to make MORE SENSE to you than it EVER has. That peace of knowing who HE IS and who YOU ARE in Him, is about to see those giants slayed and you move into a new day of destiny. 

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