Monday, December 28, 2015


I was prompted to do a review of the year so that I can give thanks to God and take stock of the events in this year. As I went through the events of this year, I have to agree that 2015 is really a year of His restoration. It is also a due season year. Overall, I have to say that it is a very good year, perhaps the best that we had so far. It can be compared to the likes of the harvest years of 2005 and 2010. Those years when we saw major breakthroughs like God leading Heng out of his first company after working there for 9 years, my promotion in my last company, conception of Joshua in 2005 and mega blessings in 2010 like purchase of this condo, God bringing me out of my workplace after feeling stuck there for three years. Those were years of great financial blessings too.

2012 was somewhat comparable to this year in that the fruits started to manifest in our lives. The publishing of my first book was a major milestone in my ministry that year, like a first fruits. This year, I was more prolific in writing as I published two ebooks and one more book waiting to be released. My blog turned five in Oct this year which was a major milestone in my writing ministry. I was also more regular in posting new articles in my blog this year. God also blessed me with increase in traffic to my blog.

I thank God that this year is so much better compared to last year. Last year was filled with perilous events and things that weighed heavily on my heart. Indeed it was considered a miracle to have made it through 2014 unscathed. It had to be the mercy and protection of God, considering the record number of deaths that year. It was a year filled with bad things and a lot of fear. But I thank God He turned it around for us in the last month of the year and packed it with many good things, as a sign that 2015 would be a much better year. A year of fulfilment, due season, harvest, good things coming to the surface.

Indeed after being through the fire and the water, God brought me to a broad place this year. I had so much struggle and confusion in the year of transition, from ministry work to focus at home. I was mistaken by others and was tempted to be bitter. But thank God I saw all these as part of His bigger plan. Only then could I let this go. Well, this year I was refreshed and recharged by spending time with the Lord. My soul was restored and all my emotional hurts and heartaches healed by Him. I was no longer burnt out or shaken by the senseless things I saw in 2014. My faith was restored too, as the Lord slowly pulled me out of ministry work this year.

Not only that, the Lord gave so much joy to my heart with all the sweet surprises He prepared for me. It was like an extension of last Dec, when I felt so pampered and so loved by Him. This year I didn't do much in ministry. I spent lots of time on my own needs and my family. It was really very good. I didn't feel guilty or selfish because the Lord told me to go ahead and focus on myself and my family in this season. I have a long list of thanksgiving and here it goes...

Completions and milestones:
- handed over baton nicely to the new CG leader, smooth transition for CG and him
- completed my last ministry assignment then exited the ministry
- blog turned five years old

- bouquets of flowers on wedding anniversary and Mothers' Day
- Heng bought new handphone for me
- Joshua nominated for 'Creative Innovator' award in term 3
- Joshua receiving the Edusave Merit Award
- Bought another luxury bag
- Heng bought a Pandora bracelet as my Christmas present

- restoration of relationship with my mum
- reconciliation with family members
- restoration of foregone bonus benefits in my previous company had I stayed on
- restoration of finance portfolio to Heng
- restoration of my soul, healing for my heart is complete, joy now abides

Mega blessings:
- bonus shares and dividends from Heng's company
- God bringing to pass the divine appointment of a dear sister-in-Christ
- bought our dream car, BMW
- Joshua selected for Gifted Programme round 2

New things or fruits:
- published two ebooks, with one more waiting to be released
- more regular in blogging, more articles
- started attending mothers' fellowship group

- prophetic word given about the now time of a long waited promise
- Joshua becoming more vocal and animated
- healing manifested much more speedily than in the past
- grew stronger in the Lord, more stable, less emotional yo-yo
- able to hear His voice more clearly and step out on His word
- overcame many giants like fear of not able to know His timing, fear of comparison, self-consciousness, bitterness etc
- much more revelations received this year and things started to make sense

Other blessings:
- wonderful Club Med and Royal Caribbean holidays
- nice staycations in hotels and first family camping trip
- blessed marriage and family
- healthy bodies to enjoy life
- able to be a blessing to others

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