Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Blog is Two Years Old!

How time flies! My blog turned two years old today. I can still remember how it started in seemed like just yesterday! I hope that this blog has been a blessing to the readers as I felt that I am the most blessed of all. Sometimes when I was discouraged or feeling down, the Lord would lead me to read my blog and I found encouragement in what I had written. It was amazing because I really cannot remember writing these words at that time. This must be inspired by God.

As I continued to blog about the grace of God and the finished work of Christ on the cross, I found that God poured out more of His anointing on my writings. This was also my prayer: that the messages in my blog would be so full of His anointing, touching the hearts of brethren. Because I know that without His anointing, all these blog posts would be just words. It would not have the power to transform lives in and of itself but when God puts His touch on them, amazing things happen.

There was an instance when a sister emailed me to tell me that she could not sleep at night. She felt oppressed...perhaps she was worried about something. But when she read my blog, she felt peaceful and could sleep well after that. She said that there was an anointing that came from reading the message in my blog. I thank God for His anointing...for the Word of God is like a seed planted in our hearts. It may be small like a mustard seed but when it takes root and grows, it will become the largest tree in the forest. It will bear fruit and provide shade for the birds of the air.

When I looked back, I was amazed at what started as a small idea (just a blog) actually grew so much over the past two years. To date, I have 165 published posts and close to 9700 page views. This is the work of God. Not by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of God! I still do not know where God is bringing me in my writing ministry but I am excited at the new levels of breakthroughs that He has prepared in my future. I believe He will increase my influence so that more people all around the world can be blessed by this gospel of grace! To God be the glory!

Beloved, if you have been blessed by my blog, I would really appreciate it if you could drop me an email or put your testimony in the comments. Let us continue to sing His praises and tell of all the marvelous works He has done in our lives!


  1. Thanks for your encouraging posts that share a common theme of your love relationship with a living and loving God. Only times of disappointment were when i came by and saw no new post.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! Usually I write only when I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit, then the anointing flows. But recently I have been thinking maybe I should blog more often even if they are short posts. Thanks for your comment. I will pray about it.

  3. Didn't somebody just receive her birthday gift from God through her hubby ?! Wasn't that already a clear enough confirmation from God to blog more about Him and His goodness? Just teasing! Thanks for your reply, hope to hear more good news from you soon..
