Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Joshua my beloved son

As a parent, there are so many examples we can draw from our feelings towards our children that reflect our heavenly Father's love and pride towards us. There are also instances when I see Joshua react to my love for him that causes me to reflect on how I respond to my Abba Father's love.

Recently we went to the 'Parent Teacher Conference' to hear what the teachers have to say about Joshua. Thank God it was a glowing positive report about how Joshua is learning very well and that he is one of the more outstanding boys in his class. His teachers say that now he can read on his own and is able to do the worksheets well.  The English teacher says that usually the girls are more advanced in their learning but Joshua seems to be not lagging behind. She has a higher expectation of Joshua because she feels that Joshua has potential and can be pushed to do better.

The Chinese teacher says that Joshua is also good in his Chinese but since the Chinese characters are more complicated, he needs more time to learn to recognise the characters. Then we asked about his conduct in school. We were actually more concerned whether he is respectful towards his teachers and friends. The teachers said Joshua is quite respectful to them and he is not rude in anyway. We were relieved because sometimes he was rude to us. 

My hubby said the main takeaway from this feedback session was that his teachers really loved Joshua and believed in him.  Thank God for loving and believing teachers! I know that makes all the difference in Joshua's learning experiences. It is also God's answer to my prayers, that God will place loving teachers who believe in Joshua.

Usually I shy away from talking about my son because I don't want to be seen as bragging. But the fact is that as a mother, I am truly proud of my son and I don't hesitate to tell him I am proud of him. Not only that, I also will speak well of Joshua in front of others rather than putting him down in an attempt to be modest. In the same manner, I believe my Daddy God is always proud of me as His beloved child and He never fails to brag about what I have done to the angels. He is always pleased with me and whenever He talks about me, I put a smile on His face, just like how thinking and talking about Joshua puts a smile on my face.

Last night I bought a book on Thomas for Joshua. He has asked for this book a few times already. I told him I will buy it for him when I see it. So when I bought it, I can't wait to present the gift to him and to see the look of joy on his face. You should see how happy he was! He really loved the book and kept showing it off to his cousin and his uncle. He said 'You see, my mummy buy this book for me!'

At one point, I was a bit uncomfortable about him showing off but the Holy Spirit spoke to me: 'A child does not know how to show off. He is just being honest about how elated he is regarding the love that his mum has showered on him.' At that moment I wondered how many of us are really comfortable to tell others about the Father's love for us and about the gifts (blessings) that He has showered upon us. This is not the time to be shy but to boast and shout about the love of the Father towards us. Yes, the motive is to cause others to also desire to experience the same closeness and love between me and my heavenly Father.

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