Friday, November 12, 2010

Restoration for marriages

I have a very dear uncle whom I loved very much and I looked up to him as a role model since young. He was always encouraging me to do well in my studies and would reward me with gifts and cash when I had good grades in school. He was always generous towards me. Actually my parents were not so concerned about how I do in school but my uncle was. He believed in the best in me and always told me that I could earn 'big' money in future and give my parents a better life. My family was very poor then.

Little did he know that the seed he sowed in me many years ago actually bloomed and blossomed. Today I grew up to be exactly what he had expected me to. I was the first in the entire family to have completed a university education and brought pride to my parents.  I thank God that I had such a loving uncle who believed so much in me when even my parents didn't seem to care so much in the past.

Many years later, he and his wife had some challenges in their marriage. They were on the verge of a divorce. It turned out that he had made some mistakes again and again. Now his wife was very disappointed with him.  But thank God that both of them are believers and that my auntie is touched by God's grace. Even how trying it was for her, she never gave up on this marriage. I really admire her for her love and dedication for my uncle.  The road towards restoration is not easy and sometimes they still struggle. I know my uncle is also trying his best to turn around. I thank God that it is not by his own efforts but by God's grace. That will take the pressure off self-performance.

But I truly believe that God's work of restoration in their family is complete because of the finished work in Christ. In my eyes, I still see my uncle as the loving and compassionate one.  No matter what mistakes he has done, he will still be respected by me. Even if no one believes in him, I still will. And I believe my faith that God will fully restore their marriage will cause a beam of light to pierce through unbelief all the way up to heaven and the anointing will follow the line of faith back to earth to release the power of God!  I know that God will turn the ashes into beauty and this family will emerge stronger and closer to the Lord! They would be a great testimony and blessing to many others who could be going through the same struggles! Amen!

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