Thursday, November 5, 2015


A sister brought to my attention the prophetic word by Johnny Enlow, featured on Elijah List. I am not the type who likes to read about prophetic words because I am skeptical of the prophecies and I don't like to know what the future holds. However, the prophetic words that I have been reading recently bear witness with my spirit and are in line with what God has been telling me al these years. That is why I'm selectively sharing now.

Johnny Enlow said October would be the month "the bear gets tamed," and he said that spoke of the Stock Market, but also the next step of not being pushed around by fear (it just hit him that this is what we've been hit with: a plague of fear). The Bear Market was tamed during October, as it was necessary that no fear be given an outlet during the month that the panickers were looking for opportunities to panic.

Now we are in a November to Remember! Let's get excited! The atmosphere is shifting and changing so much that we are now being enabled to behead our personal "Goliaths". There have been many who have been as the children of Israel were during the 40 days of Goliath's taunts and "prophetic declarations" that froze the nation. Perhaps you had chosen to "hide and whine" instead of "arise and shine".

Instead, there is a reality that's available now for you to take out Goliath with his own sword.As David did, you must run towards him fearlessly and risk it all. When David went after Goliath he risked his whole future and life itself, should his assumption of a God with a different narrative not pan out. Now is the time for all who have hoarded or pulled back in fear to fully break the grip of the wrong believing. Do it like David did. Chase down the tap root of fear itself.

Fear will cost you some serious Kingdom ground, BUT a great recovery is available if you will throw all Goliath-inspired caution to the wind and go after Kingdom destiny. Without faith it is impossible to please God! Whatever steps of "caution" (translated to FEAR) that you took in order to not need faith, you now want to reverse in order to get back your Kingdom edge. Face your fear. Take it out with its own sword.

Great help from Heaven is being sent on our behalf in November, in order to make it a November to Remember. Unavoidable relational and financial advancements are commanded for us in November. However none of it will happen if we don't shut Goliath's mouth of access into our lives.Identify the fear source and cut it out of your spiritual diet. It does not mean you will never be subject to fear again. What is does mean is that this particular 7-year assignment of fear will be exposed as being a big mouth of doom, that you are now free to no longer be under it's spell. You will now be in position to roar and chase Philistines off your territory and appropriate the plunder.

Very key in this "November to Remember" will be a remarkable Thanksgiving. We have just broken out of a 14-year cycle of trial and refinement and you will feel it this Thanksgiving. There has been a release of a wonder-filled "wind of reconciliation" and connecting for family and friends. Expect a sweet time together as you hoist your sail and yield to that wind. Relational estrangements from many years are going to be repaired, and one of the first signs of this is when you will hear from family members wanting to connect, who haven't wanted to connect in a long time.

This Thanksgiving and this Christmas will be an amazing healing time for families and you only have to yield to it. Solid family relationships will go to yet another level of love and closeness as great bonding will take place. Many significant physical healings will also happen as families take the time to pray over each other. Jehovah-Rapha (the Lord who heals) will be visiting our homes this Holiday Season and amazing testimonies will come from it. Much healing and even new important relational connections will happen this whole November, but especially around Thanksgiving, which is on 26 November.

We have just broken out of a 14-year cycle of trial and refinement and you will feel it this Thanksgiving. There has been a release of a wonder-filled "wind of reconciliation" and connecting for family and friends. Expect a sweet time together as you hoist your sail and yield to that wind. Relational estrangements from many years are going to be repaired, and one of the first signs of this is when you will hear from family members wanting to connect, who haven't wanted to connect in a long time.

From November 11 on watch for business, career and relational situations that seem to be dead and see them come alive again. If you have been seeing a lot of 1111, you should be particularly encouraged that God wants to do this for you. John 11:11 has the Lord saying that Lazarus is not dead but only sleeping. Many things that seem dead will prove to have been only sleeping. He expects to hear significant testimonies of this reality.

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