I was just challenged with this notion today. What makes me think that staying home to bring my children up in the Lord is not a ministry? People tend to think of ministry as working full time in church or in mission field or planting churches etc. But who is the one to define which is ministry work and which is not? Yes, when you are in full time ministry, the fruits you harvest are clearly for the kingdom of God. But what makes you think that bringing up your children is not an assignment from God? Bringing up champions is part of preparing the army for the kingdom of God too! Though it might seem less noble or even glamorous compared to full time.
Some people don't see the association, they feel that staying home for your kids is more for your own family needs, not quite part of kingdom purposes. In that way, it might sound selfish that I should give up serving the Lord in church for a season just to focus on my kids, my family. Quite the contrary though. In fact, it was the Lord who corrected this erroneous thinking of mine. Nope, He said, it isn't selfish of you to stay home for your kids. It is a part of His purpose for the next season.
He pointed out so many examples from the bible: people who loved the Lord and served the Lord wholeheartedly without passing on the legacy to the next generation. As a result, the future generation grew up not being close to the Lord. How sad! I cannot imagine my children growing up not knowing God as intimately as I did. In fact, I would expect them to surpass me in this intimacy with Him and do greater exploits! Hence if God doesn't judge me, then who can pass judgement on me? Not those people who couldn't understand my calling or purpose or anointing!
Recently I was impressed upon the term archery. It was first mentioned by a sister about the men of Benjamin being good in bow and arrow. Then she also talked about Lydians being good archers, who handle and bend the bow. And the tribe of Benjamin was associated with devouring his enemies and plundering the spoils, as Benjamin was like a ravenous wolf (Genesis 49:27). I am reminded of Matthew 11:12, about how the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the forceful lay hold of it. Those who are called to the battlefield are not the faint-hearted but those who are bold and courageous, even violent. They will not flinch or bat an eye and wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted, until victory is theirs.
This is very sobering for me because by nature I am more gentle and certainly far from violent. But through the years I have learnt that I cannot be soft with the enemy. I cannot go soft with sickness and disease and allow them to take root. I cannot be 'compassionate' with the principalities or the powers of darkness for Satan has never been soft with us or relented in his schemes. He doesn't even care and his goal is to destroy us. So spare them no mercy! I believe God is raising up a whole new generation who are good spiritual archers. They will hit the mark every time and every word they said will come to pass. They will also be bold and courageous and violent when it comes to taking grounds for the kingdom sake. What a privilege to be partnering the Lord in bringing up this new generation!
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