Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I came across Lonnie Mackley's word on 16 Feb. He was the one who wrote on 9 Dec about how some of us would rather die than to see things continue the same, with no changes. This word is like an extension of his previous article.

Some of you reading this are sick of your life and feeling very desperate for change. That is good because God usually gets us truly desperate just before His change comes because He knows that we will need to be ravenously hungry for the new life before we will truly embrace it and let go of the old life. You have tried everything countless times to fix your old problems and situations and it has not worked; and now it is time to sit back, open your heart fully, and let God do what you cannot do.

The reasons that change has not come yet for you are because God has been using your fiery trials to bring you to full maturity and purity so that you can walk in His power in this final harvest and truly be ready as His Bride without spot or wrinkle just before He returns here very soon. Another factor in change-delay is timing; we are all going through this at the same time and what we will do for the Lord is interconnected and interdependent. We cannot go forward until everyone involved is ready.

So don’t feel bad if you are living the same trudging day over and over again where you just want it to finally end, because you will need this hunger and desperation for change to be ready for the new challenges that await you ahead. A new infusion of God’s Spirit, healing, and deliverance are right at the door for you now. Continue to seek God with all of your heart and avoid grumbling and complaining. God satisfies the hungry, so stay desperate for change because it’s coming soon!

The Lord has been talking to me about the new things recently and I knew there was more than He wanted to tell me. Then I read in a sister's recent email about 'You make all things new' by Amanda Wells on 17 Feb.

It seems one of our greatest setbacks, is the repetitious cycle of our old ways. Jesus talked a lot about old things becoming new. It is our choice to let go of the old and walk in the newness of Life in Christ.  We must receive new wineskins because the old ones can’t hold the new wine. Our old life is crucified, and now we have a new life in Christ. We can try all we want to change our old ways, but until we allow Holy Spirit to do what needs to be done in our lives, we will constantly revert back to the ways of the world, the teachings and wisdom of man. Man without Holy Spirit will just fumble through with limited knowledge and is unable to comprehend the things of the Spirit.

Last week, while praying and talking with the Lord, I had a vision. I saw the church on a hamster wheel.  While bowing low before the feet of the Father, I heard Him say, “The church needs to get off the hamster wheel!!”  I could feel in my spirit, that He was pretty adamant about it.  He was tired of seeing them run on this wheel, round and round in circles, not going anywhere.  They were doing the same thing (old ways) and expecting to get different results. If I remember correctly, that is the definition of insanity. They were just expounding energy, just serving the Lord, because it was all they knew to do.  They were trying their hardest to “run the race.”  They were so worn out and tired.  This is the old way. The old must go to make room for the new.

The Father was calling them to rest in Him. This is the new way, to be one with Him. The new way is to stop all the striving in our own strength. Instead, keep our eyes fixed on the finished work of the cross and receive all that He has already given through the cross, His blood and resurrection life that now lives in us through the person of Holy Spirit. Newness, newness, newness is here!! Receive new names, new hearts, new assignments, new direction, new mindsets, new opened doors, new health, new bodies,  new ways of prayer and worship, new awareness of our holy blessed union with Jesus the Christ!!!

Then I saw Lana Vawser's blog post on 16 Feb and it was titled 'The Ceilings are turning into Springs!' which also happened to be talking about the same thing.

This morning I had a vision where I saw ceilings of containments and limitations over God’s people in this last season and they were suddenly being lifted off by the Lord. Not only was the Lord lifting off these ceilings but He was TURNING THEM and they became SPRINGS! (I was reminded of what a sister said last Nov that my ceiling has now become my floor...)

Springboards into new things!!!! The very things that were containing them and the ceilings that were placed over them were going to be the very areas that springboard and catapult them into new realms of revelation, acceleration and increase through this divine turning of breakthrough. Where there has been ceilings and containments of weariness the Lord is breaking them and bringing flowing springs of refreshing. A whole new level of freedom, expression of gifting and ability to dream again is arising in the people of God.

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