Thursday, July 30, 2015


I watched this sermon called 'Destiny Doors' by John Gray in this Feb but I only felt the urge to share now. The key verse was Revelation 3:8 'I have set before you an open door that no one can shut.' How apt this message was! I had just closed a chapter, a door of ministry behind me. I was telling God that I have done His will and implored Him not to delay the open door ahead. The next thing I saw was this answer. I know I have seen this verse many times before but somehow seeing it again after a door was completely closed behind me bears great significance.

John Gray shared about how destiny is about details. A process whereby God is building up your character. How you would have to go through some doors of opportunity before you come to this destiny door. How you respond at each door will determine if there is more work to be done in your character or that you are ready to graduate. Oftentimes there are areas the Lord wants you to address which you are unwilling to. Like jealousy, bitterness, comparison with others, pride, fear of failure, self-preoccupation etc.

No wonder I had those three tests last July. God was allowing me to face my worst enemies to see if I could overcome them. If I hadn't passed, then He wouldn't have moved me on. But thank God I passed so He has graduated me from the last season. Some time ago I was just thinking about how I had to go through some seasons before I come to this season of childbearing. I totally didn't expect it. But I trust that God had to let me go through those seasons in order to prepare me for what is to come. It's a season of training, stretching and character development.

It was like how my muscles ached after I started exercising recently. At one point they hurt so badly that I almost regretted exercising. I felt the pain and wondered if I was getting too unhealthy. Even a little housework would cause my arms to ache like that. During the past few weeks, I was often plagued by aches and pains in my body. But Heng told me that was normal. My muscles were growing. When that process was over, my muscles wouldn't hurt that much after I exercised. All I needed to do is to press on. Don't give up. Just press through the pains.

The analogy to spiritual growth could be made through this experience. Growth is always not easy. Stretching causes pain. Whenever God is doing a work of stretching you, growing your character, the process may not always be easy or effortless. It requires you to die to your flesh a lot. And the flesh doesn't want to die so there is often a fight and it could be painful. But the end result is always good. When the process of stretching is over and you look back, you realize that you have grown much stronger and more mature.

Things that used to bother you and cause you heartaches could not do so anymore. Your circumstances may not have changed but you have changed. That is why you can rejoice and be expectant in areas where you once felt hopeless. God has turned your sorrows into joy. Your spirit of heaviness has been exchanged for a garment of praise. That's why you can rest and be at peace, trusting that God has not forgotten His promise to you. Where you once weren't sure if your appointed time has come, now you are totally convinced that the fullness of time is here. And you can continue to enjoy your life while waiting expectantly for your manifestation.

John Gray also said that you don't have to worry you will miss that door of opportunity. You don't have to rush through the door. You are not escaping from a storm. God wants you to savor the walking through the door, like walking through the red carpet. You can probably take a selfie since you have waited so long to walk through that door of destiny. This reminded me of what He told me years ago. About savoring the moment when God finally answered my dream. God is so good to me.

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