You have been placed in this moment, at this hour, in this season of history to fulfill your purpose in your generation, just like King David did. It's like Esther, who has come to such a position for a time like this. Part of fulfilling your purpose is making an investment in other people and being one who is investable. Keep your eyes opened for the divine collisions, not only for those who collide with you, but the people God brings into your life to collide with. You have something to release and you have something to receive.
For the power upon someone else to awaken your potential, you must be ready. For you to step into the things that God has purposed in your life, you must be prepared and seed ready. You must be ready in season and out of season. Don't be caught before the golden calf during your season of visitation. Too many believers give up just before their moment, either because they cannot find fertile ground to release impartation or they have been patiently waiting for the mantle and are losing heart.
Be faithful and continue plowing where God has you plowing right now. You don't know how it will look like, sound like, feel like when power comes. Your supernatural setup will come in His divine timing. There were certain realities that Jesus restrained from sharing with the disciples because the soil was not ready for the impartation. He told them He has many things to say to them but they cannot bear them now. This reminded me of many things God spoke to me in 2011 that I couldn't understand. Only now I am catching a clearer glimpse of what He was trying to say at that time.
Potential needs to be ready in order for power to be recognised and have its full impact. Two of the key characteristics of readiness are not growing weary and not losing heart, as in Gal 6:9. The one who has been faithful in the former season shows the character that will sustain him in the new season. No wonder I keep thinking that this tenacity, this resilience built up through the years of waiting, trying and not giving up will prove to be useful in my future ministry.
That is why patience cannot be emphasised enough. That mantle could have killed Elisha before that divine moment. The responsibility would have been too much for him. He needed to plough some more. Elisha was not perfect when Elijah found him but he was prepared. He was ready for his moment. As you continue to faithfully plough in this season, God is preparing you for the next. Every moment you continue in the natural, something supernatural is taking place behind the veil. Every moment you stick to the ploughing process, you are becoming more and more fit for your meeting of power and moment of exposure.
You don't even know what's going on inside you. You are clueless to what the Creator is working on and weaving behind the scenes. You may feel like you are sitting in the back, unnoticed and unrecognised. You may feel like giving up if you have to continue ploughing for one more day. But something is pushing you, compelling you to keep pressing on. Keep on pressing towards the finish line. It doesn't matter if no one knows your name. Or that you have no recognition.
The truth is, you are potential ready for action. You are stationary until that one bump, one push or spark comes along and launches you right into the next dimension. Your moment is at hand. That's why you cannot be satisfied. You cannot sit back and look around. You are potential waiting for power to release you into your moment. You are just waiting for the hookup. As soon as you get the hookup, you are going to go up. You are next in line for the hookup. You are not forgotten, not sitting on the shelf somewhere. The eyes of the Lord are upon you. His favour surrounds you, His glory is within you. His power is around you.
Get ready so that you can recognise the arrival of the moment that changes everything. When that moment comes, you can't go back to who you were before, you can't. When you catch a glimpse of what you have been called into, what you are being called out of will never satisfy you again. When potential recognises its moment of power, it responds appropriately. This reveals the maturity of the one carrying potential. There is a level of maturity needed to sustain us during the period of transition into a new season.
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