Friday, July 10, 2015


To know for sure what is in your heart is of the spirit and not the flesh, you will need to develop your spirit. To develop your spirit you need to spend more time in prayer, studying and meditating on the word of God. By this, you grow your spirit to a level where it can understand and discern the voice of God - where it can easily receive from God and rule over logic. Until your spirit starts to rule over your senses, until you clearly know the voice of the spirit, you are going to get it wrong. If your spirit is not developed, you will follow your emotional drives and mistake it for your spirit. When you are driven by emotions, which are unstable and easily swayed, you will follow shadows.

God can reveal your future through prophecy. Prophesies are given for direction. However, know that God will not speak to you first through a prophet because every child of God has direct access to Him. God likes to deal with you directly; He wants you to personally know Him and develop a relationship with Him. God likes to interact with you and walk with you. He will speak to you through prophecy only when He needs to clarify or confirm what He has told you before.

He will speak to you about something you have not known or heard before through prophecy only when He has tried to get that message across to you directly but He couldn't get your attention. Perhaps you had distractions or you had yet to grow to discern and understand His voice. In this light, the prophecy could trigger something in you. Know that all prophecies must line up with God's word and must resonate with your spirit for them to be the word of God for you.

How you look or feel at the moment is immaterial. It doesn't matter where you are right now for the challenges you face do not have the power over your destiny. What is important is what God is saying about you and what you believe. You may be stagnant right now, but it is not the end of your story. You may not have the right contacts at present, but God can still make a way where you see no way. You may not be in the right location but He can reorder your steps.

We know that destiny won't arrive in one day so there will be a space of time between now and then. In the meanwhile, things may not go as we have planned. Things may appear as tough and impossible. But no matter what happens, we must maintain our trust in the Lord. Don't allow the enemy to make you accept the present circumstance as your fate and cause you to settle where you are. This is not where you belong. If you stay the course and keep holding on and on, it's only a matter of time that the thing God says will happen will happen.

In our pursuit of destiny, we sometimes fail and need to try again. Sometimes we need to make a fresh start in order to break through and make headway. Starting all over is not a sign of defeat but of courage and determination. Sometimes making a fresh start is needful to gain control. Making a fresh start simply means you are back where you were before, with a new chance to start all over again. It is an opportunity to do what you have done before in a different way. It could mean the start of something new, something you haven't experienced before. You might find that until you start to make a move into the unknown, you might never make meaningful progress.

When your due season is upon you, things will come together. You must realise that your destiny will mature and manifest in an appointed time. God has appointed times and seasons for everything under the sun. To reach your destiny, you will need to wait for it. What you expect may not materialise in the timeline you wanted but don't be discouraged nor start to think and speak as though you no longer believed God's promise. You need to keep trusting, keep waiting and keep expecting.

Know that God doesn't change His mind after He said yes. When you have to wait for something, it is needful. The waiting period is to prepare and equip you for it, to get the place ready for you before you arrive there or to get the people you are going to deal with ready to receive you. Delay is not denial. If you can wait, and keep waiting, your destiny will break forth like the sun in its strength at the dawn.

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