Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I read Pastor Joel's blog on 2 Oct. He was sharing about how a time of isolation was actually a time of consecration. God will never take something away without giving you something better in return. At the time, you may not be able to see it, but if you'll stay in faith and not let the disappointment sour your life, you'll come out prepared, qualified and ready for the next level.

He found that sometimes God will take you through a season of being alone. That's a time you can draw closer to God. When you normally give your energy and affection to another person, you now turn it towards God. Without that aloneness, you would never have the depth, the consecration and the character you need. Don't fight a season of isolation. If you'll embrace it, you'll discover something that otherwise you would never have.

Remember, we're all going to have these bumps in the road, these seasons of isolation; the threshing floor experiences. The separation may be uncomfortable, but it is making you better. It's getting you prepared. You may have lost something, but you need to get ready, you're about to gain something a whole lot better. I believe and declare: You're going to come through every adversity stronger, wiser, refined, purified and ready for the fullness of your destiny!

I can still remember the times when I felt like I was so isolated and cut off from the world. What I didn't know was when I felt most disconnected from the world was the time I was most connected to God. He even told me to separate myself from my mum's family. The separation was very uncomfortable and I felt guilty so many times. But now I saw how this separation has made me better and God worked for the good of my relationship with my mum.

Indeed with that aloneness, I would never have the depth, the sanctifying and the character I need. As much as I disliked it, I thank God I didn't fight a season of isolation. As I embraced it, I discovered something that otherwise I would never have. Truly I discovered who I am in Christ and how God is like. I also found out that those things I gave up for Him were actually not things essential to life, as in these were things I could do without. But I couldn't do without my connection with God. That is essential for out of that connection flows life-giving waters.

It seemed like after I came out of the threshing floor, overcame my last giant, God is now telling me to arise and fly. I have gained so much more through the refining process than I lost. I now understand why certain times God could deliver me from those situations but not others. It was needful and necessary for me to go through the fiery furnace because it was the only way to burn away those ropes that kept me bound. It was only through such difficult times that I came out stronger, wiser, refined and ready for my next level of divine destiny! It was all a part of His plan.

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