The sermon I watched that Dutch Sheets preached on 3 Oct in Singapore is titled 'Fullness of destiny'. Isn't it apt? In last June, he preached about a time of transition and now he preached on fullness, like fullness of time. As I watched, my spirit leapt because it was the same thing God has been impressing me upon a few months ago. But it was about me taking possession of my Hebron.
Dutch Sheets said God is looking for individuals who will allow Him to take them through "Hebron" experiences where they become intimate with Him and learn humility, where we decrease and He increases in their hearts. Through such individuals, He will then bring them into a new season of apostolic anointing.
I had a deeper revelation of what Hebron means. Hebron is the place where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were buried. It was the place of the patriarch burial. And Hebron is the place where David was declared King and then he ruled over Judah first. Hebron seemed to connote a place of intimacy with the Lord. Like how Abraham was a friend of God.
Set in the Judean Mountains about 30 km south of Jerusalem, Hebron stands 930 metres above sea level, making it the highest city in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. It is also the largest city in the West Bank. It was near Hebron that God made a covenant with Abraham, that he would be “the ancestor of a multitude of nations” (Genesis 17:4). Abraham had pitched his tent “by the oaks of Mamre” (Genesis 13:18), 3 kilometres north of Hebron. Here Abraham offered hospitality to three strangers, who told him his wife Sarah — then aged 90 — would have a son (Genesis 18:10-14).
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, about 700 years after Abraham, the men he sent to spy out the land of Canaan returned from the Hebron area with a cluster of grapes so heavy that two men carried it on a pole between them. Later, King David ruled Judah from Hebron for seven and a half years before moving his capital to Jerusalem.
Dutch Sheets was saying that a person needs to come to a place where he puts intimacy with God above everything else in his life before God will make him famous. Such a person carries the heart of God like David and only serves His interests. He doesn't care for glory or honour or fame or riches. He only cares about extending God's kingdom on this earth. He only cares about making the name of Jesus known to all.
It was only after Hebron that King David next took over Jerusalem and reigned as King over Israel. Finally the prophecy came to pass, some 20 years later after he was first anointed as King by Samuel. What a long and arduous journey! Jerusalem is also called Zion. It is a place of prominence. Before God puts a person on a place of prominence, He will have to let him go through Hebron. Only if he passed the test can God make use of him for His kingdom purposes. Such people who have a heart of God, if put into a prominent position of authority and influence would be a great terror to the enemy. They will cause great damage to the kingdom of darkness.
Dutch Sheets said in this season, God is raising up the remnant army of warriors, people who have been hidden till now. God is going to catapult them to visibility and place them on a position of prominence. Such people when placed in position of influence will not seek their own interests but to lift up the name of Jesus. They will seek God's glory everywhere they go. Are you one of them, whom God has called? If so, get ready for the next move of God!
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